Greenway Minutes 2007 |
- Jan.10.2007
- Feb.14. 2007
- Mar.14.2007
- Apr.11.2007
- May.9.2007
- Jun.13.2007
- Jul.11.2007
- Sep.12.2007
- Oct.10.2007
- Nov.19.2007
- Dec.12.2007
I. Discussion of Greenway Connectors Needed on County-Owned Property on North Shore Beneath the South Miami Avenue Bridge & Metro-Rail, South Shore Beneath the Metro-Rail & Metro-Mover – Dr. Martin stated if a funding source is identified, the Miami-Dade County Public Works Department agreed to manage the construction of Miami River Greenway connector sections on County owned public rights of way. Dr. Martin noted he is hopeful the County will make new appropriations for the aforementioned small greenway sections. Lavinia Freeman, Trust for Public Land , stated she is expecting to receive a draft contract with the City in January. The concept is for the County’s $7.5 million Miami River Greenway line item in their bond issue to be transferred to the City of Miami , which would contract TPL to oversee the creation of engineering documents, which would then be provided to the City of Miami which would oversee their construction using the remaining County bond funding. Ms. Freeman noted the draft contract will not be for a specific section of the Miami River Greenway, which will be selected at a later date. Ms. Freeman estimated it will take 1.5-2 years to create engineering documents, and the remaining portion of the County’s $7.5 million bond issue would fund the construction. Dr. Martin stated prior to Merrill-Stevens proposal to fund and construct a publicly accessible riverwalk and on-road Greenway on both shores from the 12 Ave Bridge to the west side of I-836, the subcommittee was recommending the County bond funding in that County owned area. Mr. Mark Bailey, Merrill-Stevens, stated Merrill-Stevens remains willing to fund and construct the aforementioned publicly accessible riverwalk, and continues negotiations with Miami-Dade County on the planned expansion. The Greenways subcommittee therefore concurred to recommend the County Bond funding be utilized for a different section of the Miami River Greenway, which doesn’t currently have any funding potentials.
II. Discuss Future Miami River Greenway Governance – Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, distributed copies of the City of Miami Commission ’s recently approved extension of the Bay Heights Special Taxing District, which funds a City of Miami Police Department patrol of the Bay Heights area 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year. Mr. Bibeau noted the special taxing district was approved by residents of the area at referendum, and is a precedent of a Special Taxing District providing funding for security in a specific area. Dr. Martin stated creating of a Special Taxing District is an option to generate re-occurring revenue to fund sufficient security along the Miami River Greenway, yet may not be a likely solution. Dr. Martin added regarding maintenance, the existing City Code discussed during the GSC’s December 2006 meeting, where property owners adjacent to the Greenway (located in public right of way) assist with maintenance, yet the option is not his favorite, partially because the code is difficult to enforce.
III. Status of Miami River Greenway Historic Markers – Mr. Bibeau reported the 6 historic markers, funded by the Villagers Inc grant, have been installed. Mr. Bibeau noted the panel materials are currently draft graphic prints, which will soon be replaced with the final porcelain enamel panels. Mr. Bibeau stated he has received additional input on the draft historic marker text, which will be revised in the final porcelain panels. The Greenway’s subcommittee authorized the payment of the MRC’s $596 cost share of the contract with Baron Sign Manufacturing.
Mr. Bibeau reported the frame of the City of Miami ’s previously installed historic marker post at the Miami River Inn was missing, and asked when the porcelain enamel panels with the text and images would be installed. Mr. Brown suggested contacting Mr. Lionel Zapata , City of Miami , whom is the project manager.
IV. Discuss Status of Draft Miami River Greenway Regulatory Design Standards – Dr. Martin stated he e-mailed Danette Perez, City of Miami , whom administers the Bond Oversight Board. Ms. Perez informed Dr. Martin that $75,000 from the City’s Bond issue was spent in September 2005 for the creation of the Miami River Greenway Regulatory Design Standards, which remain a draft. Dr. Martin directed MRC staff to invite Enrique Nunez, City of Miami Planning Department, to the next GSC meeting, because he is the project manager for the Design Standards.
V. Update on Miami River Greenway Development – Ms. Freeman stated Greenway sections B, C & E require the City of Miami and FDOT to execute a Lap Agreement. Mr. Bibeau stated the owners of Garcia’s Seafood Restaurant, located adjacent to a recently constructed section of “on-road” Greenway, complained that the street lights were removed during construction, and FPL is yet to install the Greenway’s new decorative street lights. Therefore the area is dark at night when customers walk between their parked cars and the area’s restaurants.
VI. Review of Miami River Greenway Riverwalk Cross Section – Mr. Bibeau reported MRC staff is yet to receive any additional development’s approved riverwalk cross sections from the City of Miami , as requested by MRC Chair Irela Bagué.
VII. Discussion of FDEP RTP Grant Opportunity – Mr. Bibeau provided a copy of the Florida Department of Environmental Protections (FDEP) Recreational Trails Program (RTP) grant opportunity. Mr. Bibeau stated his previous grant application to the FDEP RTP was awarded $100,000, and he recommended the new application be for the maximum $200,000 award to create a riverwalk section in Lummus Park . Mr. Bibeau noted the City of Miami and MRC are eligible applicants, and recommended wither the City of Miami apply or MRC apply. The GSC noted since the City of Miami owns Lummus Park, it would be easier through the grant, permitting, and riverwalk development process if the grant was awarded directly to the City of Miami, with assistance from the MRC and TPL. The GSC added as a second choice to take advantage of this significant ST funding opportunity, the City may choose to partner with the MRC or TPL as the applicant, and provide the required cost share and allow the future construction of a riverwalk in Lummus Park .
VIII. New Business – The GSC discussed the following potential upcoming special
events along the Miami River Greenway:
- Miami River Art Show: February 23-24, Fort Dallas in Lummus Park or the Miami River Inn
- Miami Riverday: March 24, 2007 , Jose Marti Park , 11-5
- Caribbean June Fest: June 2007, Lummus Park , if the riverfront portion of the park is cleared and replaced with grass prior to June, yet if Lummus Park remains in its current unacceptable condition for the event, the organizers are considering moving it to Jose Marti Park .
The GSC confirmed their next regularly scheduled second Tuesday of the month meeting on February 14, 2007 , 2 PM , 1407 NW 7 ST, New Board Room.
The meeting adjourned. |
January 10, 2007 | THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Greenways Subcommittee (GSC) met as regularly scheduled on the second Wednesday of the month, January 10, 2007, 2:00 PM, 1407 NW 7 ST, New Board Room. Dr. Ernie Martin chaired the meeting. The attendance sheet is enclosed. |
I. Discussion of Greenway Connectors Needed on County-Owned Property on North Shore Beneath the South Miami Avenue Bridge & Metro-Rail, South Shore Beneath the Metro-Rail & Metro-Mover – Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, noted Mayor Carlos Alvarez had appointed a new designee to the MRC, Mr. Robert Villar . Mr. Bibeau noted he had briefed Mr. Villar on MRC related issues, including the County’s $7.5 million Miami River Greenway line item. Mr. Bibeau noted Mr. Villar seemed to support using the County’s available bond funding for these Miami-Dade County owned riverfront parcels, which require riverwalk connectors between existing riverwalk sections, prior to considering additional County appropriations for the Greenway.
Mr. Robert Ruano, City of Miami, stated he believed the County had already transferred their greenway line item bond funding to the City of Miami , whom didn’t intend to use it on the County owned parcels. Ms. Lavinia Freeman , The Trust for Public Land, stated she was not aware of any executed agreements between the County and the City. Ms. Freeman added she is expecting to receive a draft contract from Ms. Meredith Nation, City of Miami, who is considering using some of the County’s Greenway bond line item to hire TPL to oversee the creation of greenway constriction documents, for an section yet to be determined, which the City would then manage the construction.
Dr. Martin noted the Board of County Commissioners had adopted a resolution in September 2006 allowing Merrill-Stevens and Miami-Dade County ’s administration to negotiate terms for their expansion, including the presented riverwalks, in addition to the adjacent proposed Related Group’s affordable housing development in the Health District. Dr. Martin noted that the County’s administration had agreed to meet within 90 days to negotiate such terms and report back to the County Commission , but had yet to meet. Dr. Martine asked Mr. Mark Bailey . Merrill-Stevens, for an update, and he replied Merrill-Stevens was currently under negotiations with the County regarding construction of bulkheads and riverwalks on both sides of the river, from the 12 Ave Bridge to the west side of I-836,
II. Discuss Future Miami River Greenway Governance – Dr. Martin noted since the MRC hosted the Miami River Greenways Retreat to discuss models to provide the necessary Greenway maintenance, security and special events, little direction or progress has been provided by the public sector, except for DDA agreeing to include it in their Downtown Master Plan. Mr. Bibeau distributed copies of an email forwarded by Ms. Diane Waters, City of Miami Public Works, from the Departments Director, Ms. Stephanie Grindell, regarding maintenance of public rights-of-way and the responsibilities of adjacent abutting property owners, as well as information pertaining to the City of Miami “Litter Buster Team.” Mr. Bibeau distributed a photo of the City’s public right-of-way across from Neo Lofts, where the MRC coordinated volunteers
Recently planted several new trees and grass, is in need of mowing and litter removal. Mr. Ruano suggested that the MRC contact 3-1-1 to report code violations and receive tracking numbers to document the progress of such reports.
III. Status of Miami River Greenway Historic Markers – Ms. Ashley Chase, MRC Assistant Managing Director, reported the 6 historic markers and draft digital prints, funded by the Villagers Inc grant, have been installed. Ms. Chase noted that, according to the contractors, the final porcelain enamel panels are currently under construction in Washington , and should be installed by next month.
IV. Discuss Status of Draft Miami River Greenway Regulatory Design Standards – Ms. Chase noted she had spoken to Mr. Enrique Nuñez, City of Miami Planning Department, earlier today whom had indicated that the Planning Department is currently pinpointing and reviewing all areas that would potentially be impacted by the regulatory design standards. Ms. Chase added that, according to Mr. Nuñez, the design standards would not be adopted until “ Miami 21” is completed.
V. Update on Miami River Greenway Development – Mr. Kevin Brown, Consul Tech, was unable to attend, therefore the GSC deferred to Ms. Freeman, whom stated she did not have an update at this time.
Mr. Bibeau distributed a series of recent photographs pertaining to greenway development:
- New Greenway signage installed across from Neo Lofts on South River Drive, between 1st and Flagler Bridges depicting the following: “Green way” misspelled: Greenway should be one word, pointing the Greenway in one direction when it goes both ways, Stop sign down at the corner of Flagler Street and SW South River Drive, utilities spray painting on recently constructed on-road greenways; an empty Greenway information kiosk. The GSC noted they were unable to post last year’s Miami Riverday posters in the informational kiosks, yet if possible would like to post this year’s posters for the City sponsored free event.
- Thick metal wire is melded into new on-road greenway, on the upland side of Garcia’s restaurant on North River Drive
- Sign in the riverfront portion of Lummus Park stating “Lummus Landing – Miami , Riverfront Redevelopment B-3286, $1,444,196” which is several years old, with surrounding uninstalled infrastructure components, litter, homeless, broken fence, etc.
Mr. Ruano suggested working with City Staff, including Mr. Brown and Mr. Lionel Zapata, to address greenway signage, and contacting 3-1-1 to report code enforcement violations. Mr. Ruano noted City staff was currently looking into the future governance and maintenance of the Miami River Greenway. Mr. Ruano stated the City of Miami is considering applying for a Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Office of Greenways and Trails grant to construct a riverwalk in Lummus Park . Mr. Ruano stated he will ask the City to remove the litter depicted in the Lummus Park pictures, and Dr. Martin asked if the City would remove the uninstalled pipes, remove the broken fence and replant grass as well.
VI. Review of Miami River Greenway Riverwalk Cross Section – Ms. Chase noted she would reach out to Mr. Peter Bockweg, City of Miami Zoning Department, to seek assistance in obtaining the additional cross sections, as previously requested in writing by MRC Chair Irela Bagué. Ms. Chase distributed an update of the Riverwalk cross sections which the City provided MRC staff and asked the GSC if they would like MRC staff to draft a letter thanking the City of Miami for their assistance thus far, and requesting the additional cross sections. Dr. Martin replied yes, and suggested including the cross sections updated list as an attachment to the letter.
VII. New Business – The GSC discussed the following potential upcoming special events along the Miami River Greenway:
Miami River Art Show: produced by the Kona Kai Gallery and hosted by the MRC, featuring original paintings of the Miami River’s shipping industry by French artist Dirk Verdoorn; Saturday, February 24, 2007, 9:30 am to 1 pm; Neo Vertika Club Level, 690 SW 1st Court. 10% of Galleries profits will be donated to the MRC towards construction of future Miami River Greenway Historical Markers
Mr. Bibeau noted as directed by MRC UIWG Chair Jim Murley , he is scheduling a meeting/walking tour with representatives of Latitude on the River, two discuss how their riverwalk section which is nearing completion will connect with the publicly accessible riverwalk sections to the east at Neo Vertika, and to the west beneath the 2nd Ave Bridge. Mr. Bibeau noted Mr. Murley, Dr. Martin and City staff will be invited to attend the site visit.
The GSC confirmed their next regularly scheduled second Wednesday of the month meeting on March 14, 2007 , 2 PM , 1407 NW 7 ST, New Board Room.
The meeting was adjourned. |
February 21, 2007 | THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Greenways Subcommittee (GSC) met as regularly scheduled on the second Wednesday of the month, February 14, 2007, 2:00 PM, 1407 NW 7 ST, New Board Room. Dr. Ernie Martin chaired the meeting. The attendance sheet is enclosed
I. Discussion of Greenway Connectors Needed on County-Owned Property on North Shore Beneath the South Miami Avenue Bridge & Metro-Rail, South Shore Beneath the Metro-Rail & Metro-Mover – Ms. Lavinia Freeman , Trust for Public Land (TPL), stated the County, City and TPL are yet to draft any potential agreements regarding the use of the County’s $7.5 million “Miami River Greenway” bond line item. Ms. Freeman explained TPL has discussed the prospect of partnering with the City of Miami and Miami-Dade County - TPL would serve as a subcontractor to the City of Miami , administering the design and engineering of the County’s $7.5 million Greenway line item, while the City would contract and administer construction. Ms. Freeman noted TPL was debating whether it should wait for Merrill-Stevens to construct their offered portion of the greenway, or assign the $7.5 million to that area. Ms. Freeman noted she was currently under the impression that if Merrill-Stevens agreed to construct a riverwalk on both sides of the river, from the 12 Ave Bridge to the west side of I-836, then the City would find a new location to utilize the County’s $7.5 million greenway bond item. Mr. Mark Bailey, Merrill-Stevens, stated their negotiations with the County are re-energized and moving forward. Mr. Bailey reiterated Merrill-Stevens is offering to construct new sea-walls and publicly accessible / landscaped Riverwalks & on-road Greenways along the north shore from the NW 12 Ave Bridge to the west side of I-836, and along the south shore from the County’s GSA building on the east of the 12 Ave Bridge, to the west side of I-836, at their own cost. Ms. Freeman noted the City had conducted a study of estimated costs to construct the Greenway section along the south shore being offered by Merrill-Stevens, and agreed to provide the study to Mr. Bailey. Mr. Bailey noted the agreement between Merrill-Stevens and the County is expected to be presented before the Board of County Commissioners in May, and Dr. Martin noted during the March MRC meeting Chairman Barreiro stated he wanted the proposal to move forward. Mr. Bailey thanked the MRC for their continued positive and effective support for the proposed Merrill-Stevens expansion, which includes their funding and constructing the aforementioned new sections of the Miami River Greenway system, at no cost to the public sector. Mr. Bibeau reported last month that Mr. Villar, Mayor Carlos Alvarez’s new MRC board designee, seems to support using the County’s available bond funding for Miami-Dade County owned riverfront parcels, which require riverwalk connectors between existing riverwalk sections, prior to considering additional County appropriations for the Greenway. Dr. Martin directed MRC staff to request a meeting with Ms. Lubby Navarro, Chairman Bruno Barreiro’s new MRC designee, regarding the Greenway, and noted the importance of constructing the greenway sections necessary to connect existing riverwalk sections in order to provide a continuous Greenway system from east to west as planned.
II. Discuss Future Miami River Greenway Governance – Per the suggestion of Mr. Robert Ruano, City of Miami , during the February Greenways subcommittee meeting, Ms. Ashley Chase, MRC Assistant Managing Director, noted she had contacted 3-1-1 to report the areas discussed, and receive tracking numbers to document the progress of addressing the issues identified by the subcommittee. Ms. Chase stated since reporting the areas, 311 inspected the riverfront portion of Lummus Park and determined there were no violations. Mr. Bibeau thanked the City for commencing removal of the broken chain link fence along the riverfront portion of Lummus Park , as recommended by the MRC’s Greenways subcommittee. Mr. Bibeau noted the City’s Comprehensive Plan, CM 2.1.5, states “By 1999, the development of the river walk along City owned property will be completed” and noted the majority of City owned riverfront property has had a publicly accessible riverwalk for years, with the exception of Lummus Park. Ashley Chase stated she did not have an update regarding the City of Miami ’s consideration to apply for a Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Office of Greenways and Trails grant for funding to construct a riverwalk in Lummus Park .
Dr. Martin noted during the MRC’s March meeting Chair Irela Bagué suggested Dr. Martin and she should request a meeting with City Manager Pete Hernandez regarding the Miami River Greenway. Dr. Martin invited Ms. Freeman and MRC staff to attend once a date has been determined.
III. Status of Miami River Greenway Historic Markers – Ms. Chase reported the final porcelain enamel panels are currently being manufactured in Washington, and installation is expected in March.
IV. Discuss Status of Draft Miami River Greenway Regulatory Design Standards – Dr. Martin stated the drafted new set of Riverwalk design standards and guidelines remains a draft, which is yet to be considered for adoption by the City Commission. Dr. Martin noted sections of the Miami River Greenway system recently constructed by the private sector are inconsistent with the City’s currently adopted Riverwalk Design Standards and Guidelines and the Miami River Greenway Action Plan. Mr. Bibeau cited the City of Miami’s adopted Comprehensive Plan, CM 2.1.8, “As specified in the City of Miami Charter and related laws, and more specifically the Waterfront Charter Amendment and Ordinance 9500 (Zoning Ordinance for the City of Miami) all new development and redevelopment along the Downtown waterfront is required to provide special setbacks; and those developments within Special Districts that require publicly accessible shoreline walkways, will design them in conformance with the established standards. ( See Parks , Recreation and Open Space Policy PR-1.5.7.)” Dr. Martin stated incorporating the final MRC recommendations into the draft updated Riverwalk Design Standards and Guidelines, and placing the final revised draft on an upcoming City Commission agenda for adoption, will be discussed during the Greenways meeting to be scheduled with City Manager Hernandez.
V. Update on Miami River Greenway Development – Mr. Kevin Brown, Consul Tech, was unable to attend, therefore the GSC deferred to Ms. Freeman, whom stated she did not have an update at this time. Dr. Martin stated FPL has rescheduled two meetings with the City, regarding installation of street lights along the on-road greenway sections.
VI. Review of Miami River Greenway Riverwalk Cross Section – Ms. Chase noted she had reached out to Mr. Peter Bockweg, City of Miami Zoning Department, to seek assistance in obtaining the additional cross sections, as previously requested in writing by MRC Chair Irela Bagué. Ms. Chase noted she was in the process of scheduling a meeting with Mr. Anthony Gonzalez, City of Miami Planning Department. Ms. Chase noted she had spoken to Ms. Rosy Brown, City of Miami Building Department, regarding this item as well.
VII. New Business – The GSC discussed/addressed the following items:
- Dr. Martin noted the recent Miami River Art Show, produced by the Kona Kai Gallery and hosted by the MRC, featuring original paintings of the Miami River ’s shipping industry by French artist Dirk Verdoorn, was a tremendous success.
- MRC staff distributed flyers to the free 11th Annual Miami Riverday festival, to be held along the Riverwalk in Jose Marti Park on March 24, 11-5. The Greenways subcommittee thanked the Riverday sponsors.
The GSC confirmed their next regularly scheduled second Wednesday of the month meeting on April 11, 2007 , 2 PM , 1407 NW 7 ST, New Board Room.
The meeting adjourned. |
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Greenways Subcommittee (GSC) met as regularly scheduled on the second Wednesday of the month, March 14, 2007, 2:00 PM, 1407 NW 7 ST, New Board Room. Dr. Ernie Martin chaired the meeting. The attendance sheet is enclosed.
I. Discussion of Greenway Connectors Needed on County-Owned Property on North Shore Beneath the South Miami Avenue Bridge & Metro-Rail, South Shore Beneath the Metro-Rail & Metro-Mover – Mr. Mark Bailey, Merrill-Stevens, asked that MRC staff revise his comments on page 1 of the March 14, 2007 meeting minutes as followed: “Mr. Mark Bailey , Merrill-Stevens, stated it was his belief that their negotiations with the County are, at this time, re-energized and moving forward.” The GSC approved the revised minutes.
Per the direction of Dr. Martin, Mr. Bibeau noted he would invite Ms. Lubby Navarro, Chairman Bruno Barreiro’s new MRC designee, to the May 9 Greenways Subcommittee meeting, to address the importance of constructing the greenway sections on County owned riverfront to connect existing riverwalk sections in order to provide a continuous Greenway system from east to west. Mr. Bibeau added that if Ms. Navarro is unable to attend next month’s meeting, he would try to schedule a separate meeting.
Per the direction of the MRC, Mr. Bibeau asked Dr. Martin to provide MRC staff with his available dates in May in order to schedule a meeting with City Manager Pete Hernandez regarding the Miami River Greenway.
II. Discuss Future Miami River Greenway Governance – Mr. Bibeau thanked the City of Miami staff who helped him install Miami Riverday posters in the city-owned informational kiosks. Mr. Bibeau stated that, during that time, Mr. Francis Mitchell, City of Miami Public Works , noted the litter which accumulates in the new on-road greenway. Mr. Mitchell noted City Code Enforcement may enforce the City Code provision requiring the adjacent property owner to maintain the adjacent public right of way.
Mr. Bibeau provided the following upcoming MRC-coordinated volunteer clean-ups of the Miami River Greenway:
- Saturday, April 14, 2007 : 25th Annual “Baynanza;” River locations include José Martí Park & Sewell Park
- Saturday, April 21, 2007 : “Hands on Miami – Youth Service Day” planting 19 new trees at Robert King High, 1407 NW 7 Street and removing litter along the shoreline
- Sunday, April 22, 2007 : “Mitzvah Miami ” volunteers along South River Drive on-road greenway, from José Martí Park to NW 2nd Street , removing litter and weeds, spreading 200 bags of mulch, and various painting
Mr. Bibeau noted the following volunteer Miami River Greenway clean-up events were recently conducted:
- Monday, March 26, 2007 : 20 college students participated in “Alternative Spring Break” along the Miami River Greenway on South River Drive , from José Martí Park to NW 2nd Street
- Saturday, April 7, 2007 : 8 volunteers participated in a litter and weeds clean-up along the Miami River greenway from NW 3rd Street to NW 6th Avenue
Mr. Bibeau provided a Miami 21 timeline, submitted by Ms. Luciana Gonzalez, City of Miami Planning Department:
- April 4 - Planning Advisory Board Review
- April 18 - Planning Advisory Action
- May 24 - City Commission First Reading
- June 28 - City Commission Second Reading
Mr. Bibeau noted the following Miami 21 recommendations, approved by the MRC, which would be read into the record during the PAB April 18 meeting:
- 50-foot rear setback
- 20-foot riverwalk
- Correct Miami Circle “Scribner’s error” from T6 Urban Core to CS Civic Space
Mr. Bibeau distributed an article published in Miami Today regarding the potential creation of a Business Improvement District in Downtown Coconut Grove. Mr. Bibeau noted the creation of a BID along the Miami River was examined during the MRC’s Greenways Retreat as a potential means to provide a revenue source for maintenance, security and special events along the Miami River Greenway.
III. Status of Miami River Greenway Historic Markers – Ms. Chase reported the final porcelain enamel panels were installed on Monday, April 9. Ms. Chase noted she and Mr. Bibeau have scheduled a meeting with Mr. Chris Rogers, Yazi Design, on Tuesday, April 17, 9 am , to inspect each marker and ensure that they are consistent with his original design/prototype. Ms. Chase noted that once Mr. Rogers has inspected and approved all six markers, she would forward the final Baron Signs Manufacturing invoice to the Villagers, Inc., so that they may submit the fifth and final payment.
IV. Discuss Status of Draft Miami River Greenway Regulatory Design Standards – Dr. Martin stated incorporating the final MRC recommendations into the draft updated Riverwalk Design Standards and Guidelines, followed by the adoption and enforcement of them, will be discussed during the Greenways meeting to be scheduled with City Manager Hernandez.
V. Update on Miami River Greenway Development – Mr. Lionel Zapata , City of Miami Greenways construction project manager, provided the status on the City’s construction of the following Miami River Greenway sections:
Segment B (NW North River Drive, NW 2nd ST to Flagler ST) & Segment C (NW North River Drive, Flagler to Miami Riverside Center’s Riverwalk / existing riverwalk beneath I-95) – A Notice to Proceed (NTP) has been issued; City of Miami will continue meeting with utility companies before commencing construction to address any conflicts/mitigation for underground utilities; The Trust for Public Land managed Kimley Horn and Associates contract to create the construction engineering documents for Sections B and C; the City of Miami is in charge of executing construction of the provided documents. All Public Works construction permits have been procured and obtained; construction is expected to commence during the upcoming week.
Dr. Ernie Martin asked if the segments would connect to the riverwalk at the City Administration Building , located on SW 2nd Avenue , and Mr. Zapata replied yes.
Segment G (José Martí Park Riverwalk east beneath I-95, south along SW 3 Ave, east along SW 6 ST to SW 2nd Avenue Bridge)-construction of the gymnasium has commenced; intention of City to have Segment G and gymnasium completed simultaneously; NTP has been issued; construction of segment G expected to commence within 4-5 months; City continues to address issue of underground utilities; The Florida Department of Transportation LAP agreement has been executed for segments B, C & G, and construction within all three will be completed before the end of the year.
Mr. Bibeau stated the owners of Garcia’s Seafood Restaurant and Miami River Inn, located adjacent recently constructed sections of “on-road” Greenway, have complained that the street lights were removed during construction over a year ago, and FPL has yet to install the Greenway’s new decorative street lights. Therefore, the area is dark at night when customers walk between their parked cars and the area’s restaurants. Dr. Martin added that Mr. Kevin Brown , Consul Tech, had attempted to schedule a meeting with FP & L to address this matter, which was rescheduled.
Mr. Zapata clarified that the City’s current scope of services solely calls for the installation of pole boxes and conduits, as well as trenching, which have already been completed. Mr. Zapata explained that FP & L is responsible for pole installation and light activation.
Mr. Bibeau asked when FP & L would install and activate the aforementioned poles, and Mr. Zapata suggested that the GSC contact Mr. Brown and/or Mr. David Hernandez, City of Miami Public Works , to obtain that information. Ms. Chase noted she would add Mr. Hernandez to the MRC database and invite him to next month’s meeting. Mr. Zapata noted he would reach out to Mr. Hernandez as well, and encourage him to contact FP & L regarding this issue.
Mr. Bibeau asked if the previously recommended tweaks to Sections B, C and G were included in the construction documents which the City contractors are about to construct:
Section B
1) A portion of the designed Section B Greenway is envisioned to connect the existing riverwalk on the River’s north shore, proceeding west beneath I-95, to the north through the City of Miami ’s parking lot beneath I-95, in order to connect with the designed on-road greenway proceeding west along NW North River Drive . In order to bring this section of the Miami River Greenway Action Plan to fruition, two existing fences need to be adjusted, which would otherwise block connectivity between adjacent Greenway sections. Currently there is a gate in the parking lots fence along NW North River Drive , which is locked on weekends and weekdays after approximately 6 PM . The closing of this gate would create a barrier for greenway connectivity. Therefore the Greenways subcommittee discussed different alternatives for providing the necessary Greenway connectivity, while providing security for the parking lot. One discussed option is erecting a new fence along the eastern side of the Greenway as it passes through the parking lot, in order to maintain the fencing around the secured lot while removing the need for a gate, which would block Greenway connectivity when locked on weekends. In addition, the end of the existing fence on the south side of the lot, separating the riverwalk from the parking lot, would have to be removed only in the area connecting with the planned Greenway Segment B.
2) Widen the Greenway / Riverwalk area beyond the narrow City owned upland public right of way along NW North River Drive beneath and adjacent to the 1st ST Bridge, to include the additional riverfront FDOT owned public right of way.
Section C
Widen the Greenway area beyond the narrow upland City owned public right of way along NW North River Drive beneath the Flagler Bridge to include the riverfront FDOT owned public right of way.
Section G
Confirm section G’s western terminus will connect with existing riverwalk within Jose Marti Park, and the eastern terminus will terminate with the existing riverwalk beneath the 2nd Ave Bridge.
Mr. Zapata stated he did not believe the recommendations had been incorporated into the current design, and suggested the issues be readdressed with TPL.
The GSC thanked the City of Miami for removing the broken chain link fence along the riverfront portion of Lummus Park, removing litter and weeds and providing fresh dirt in order to lay sod. The GSC continues to advocate for the creation of a publicly accessible riverwalk and Fisherman’s Wharf in the riverfront portion of Lummus Park, known as Lummus Landing.
VI. Review of Miami River Greenway Riverwalk Cross Section – Ms. Chase noted she had met with Mr. Anthony Perez, City of Miami Planning Department, to obtain several building plans, but was awaiting a response from the Building Department. Ms. Chase noted she would highlight any inconsistencies between the obtained cross sections, what was presented to the MRC and City Commission, and compare to any as built dimensions, and present her findings at the May GSC meeting.
VII. New Business – No New Business was discussed.
The GSC confirmed their next regularly scheduled second Wednesday of the month meeting on May 9, 2007 , 2 PM , 1407 NW 7 ST, New Board Room.
The meeting adjourned. |
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Greenways Subcommittee (GSC) met as regularly scheduled on the second Wednesday of the month, April 11, 2007, 2:00 PM, 1407 NW 7 ST, New Board Room. Dr. Ernie Martin chaired the meeting. The attendance sheet is enclosed..
I. Discussion of Greenway Connectors Needed on County-Owned Property on North Shore Beneath the South Miami Avenue Bridge & Metro-Rail, South Shore Beneath the Metro-Rail & Metro-Mover – Dr. Martin directed Brett Bibeau, Managing Director of the Miami River Commission (MRC) to prepare a brief written summary with pictures of the aforementioned areas to present during the meeting, which will be publicly noticed with Board of County Commission Chairman Bruno Barreiro and his MRC designee Lubby Navarro. The meeting has been scheduled to discuss the importance of constructing greenway sections on County owned riverfront parcels to connect existing riverwalk sections in order to provide a continuous Greenway system from east to west, and the $7.5 million Miami River Greenway line item in the County’s approved general obligation bond. Dr. Martin added City Manager Pete Hernandez had to re-schedule his May 17 meeting with MRC staff and himself, regarding future maintenance, security, and special events along the Miami River Greenway, and directed MRC staff to prepare informational packages for that meeting as well.
Mr. Bibeau noted he had spoken to Mr. Steve Gelb, developer / owner of Latitude on the River, regarding the possibility of connecting the Latitude riverwalk, which is nearing completion, with the existing riverwalk section immediately east beneath the NW 2 Ave Bridge and connecting with the planned and funded on-road greenway at NW 6 ST and the approved Reflections on the River riverwalk sections, in an effort to create a continuous pedestrian path. According to Mr. Bibeau, Mr. Gelb indicated the Miami-Dade County Department of Environmental Resource Management (DERM) would not issue a permit to connect the two parcels, since the property beneath the bridge is owned by Miami-Dade County . Instead, noted Mr. Bibeau, Mr. Gelb offered to provide a construction easement in Latitude’s condo documents, allowing the county to create a connection from their NW 2 Ave bridge parcel to the Latitude riverwalk. Mr. Bibeau added that the submerged land bordering the development is owned by Latitude on the River.
Mr. Bibeau stated Neo Vertika and Miami-Dade Transit representatives have scheduled a meeting on May 17, 11 am , to survey the M-Path fence, located adjacent to Neo Vertika, which the Neo Vertika condo association has offered to remove, and install a bench and trash receptacle and new sod on the riverfront portion of the M-Path. Mr. Bibeau explained the fence is currently blocking greenway connectivity between Neo Vertika and the Metro Rail path.
II. Discuss Future Miami River Greenway Governance – Dr. Martin noted no reference to the “Draft Miami River Greenway Regulatory Design Standards” has been made thus far in Miami 21. Dr. Martin added he planned to address this topic with Mr. Pete Hernandez. Mr. Kevin Brown, Consul Tech, noted Mr. Enrique Nuñez had indicated that the city would try to incorporate the “Draft Miami River Greenway Regulatory Design Standards” into the final draft Miami 21 “Eastern Quadrant.” Mr. Bibeau noted the final draft Miami 21 “Eastern Quadrant” is scheduled to be presented to the Miami City Commission for adoption at First Reading on Thursday, May 24, 2007 . Mr. Bibeau stated the MRC continues to recommend the draft be revised to require publicly accessible riverwalks and include the City Charter riverfront building setback formula apply riverwide, and noted several of the Transect Zones in the current draft allow no riverfront setbacks, which would eliminate the potential for riverwalks. Ms. Lavinia Freeman, The Trust for Public Land , agreed to support the MRC’s Miami 21 recommendations.
Mr. Bibeau provided the following information regarding upcoming MRC-coordinated volunteer clean-ups of the Miami River Greenway:
- Monday, May 21, 2007 : 130 Ransom Everglades seniors will remove litter and weeds, spread mulch, paint, etc. along the South River Drive on-road greenway, from José Martí Park to NW 2nd Street , as well as along the north shore on-road greenway, from NW 3rd Street to NW 6th Avenue . In addition the volunteers will provide litter removal along South River Drive from NW 27 Ave to NW 20 ST, south shoreline at 1401-1407 NW 7 ST, and the north shoreline beneath I-836
- Mr. Bibeau noted he had spoken to Lt. Edwards, whom had agreed to provide free labor/prison inmates to remove litter, weeds, and spread mulch along sections of the Miami River on a monthly basis. Mr. Bibeau noted the work would be conducted in the morning, before adjacent restaurants open for business. Mr. Bibeau noted he had scheduled a site visit with Lt. Edwards on Tuesday, May 15, 11 am beneath the NW 27th Avenue Bridge, on South River Drive .
III. Status of Miami River Greenway Historic Markers – Ms. Chase noted she, Mr. Bibeau and Mr. Chris Rogers, Yazi Design, had conducted a site visit on Tuesday, April 17, 9 am, to inspect each marker and Mr. Rogers found a problem with “spot welding” on some of the poles attached to the signage. Ms. Chase noted Mr. Rogers had contacted Mr. Bryan Vasser, Baron Signs Manufacturing, to request that a representative perform the needed improvements. Ms. Chase noted she and Mr. Bibeau performed an additional site survey, and confirmed that the “spot welding” corrections had been made on April 28, as promised by Mr. Vasser. Ms. Chase added she had forwarded the final Baron Signs Manufacturing invoice to the Villagers, Inc., whom submitted the fifth and final payment. Baron Signs Manufacturing confirmed receipt of the final payment several days ago, closing out their MRC contract. Ms. Chase stated she and Villagers board member Jane Noppenberg are currently planning an unveiling ceremony at Lummus Park , in which Commissioner Spence-Jones, representatives of the city, the Dade Heritage Trust, TPL, local historians, etc. will be invited to celebrate the installation of the 6 historic markers.
Ms. Chase and Mr. Bibeau thanked the Kona Kai Art Gallery for donating $1,650 of proceeds from their recent Miami River Art Show at Neo Vertika. Mr. Bibeau noted the Kona Kai owners specified the donation is to be used towards additional historic markers along the Greenway. Ms. Chase noted each marker, under the Baron Sign Manufacturing contract, cost $4,266 and Mr. Bibeau stated Mr. Vasser, Baron Signs agreed to a contract extension honoring this original price if additional markers are ordered before the end of 2007.
Ms. Chase noted the developer of Latitude on the River had pledged to install a historic marker at the development site to commemorate the former location of Brickell Shipyard and Miami Ship Services. Ms. Chase noted MRC staff, with the help of Mr. Jim Broton , would draft the Latitude historic marker and present it to the GSC next month. Ms. Chase also noted she would provide the developer the marker specifications.
MRC staff distributed their revised draft “East Coast Fisheries” and “ John Seybold Estate & Spring Garden ” historic markers. The GSC agreed to review the drafts and provide additional comments prior to next month’s GSC meeting. Ms. Chase agreed to email Mr. Brown the “ John Seybold Estate & Spring Garden ” historic marker text no later than Wednesday, May 16, 2007 , so that he may present the draft at the next HEPB meeting. These next two historic markers along the Greenway will be manufactured and installed by the City of Miami in the development of sections “B & C” and “ North Spring Garden ”.
IV. Discuss Status of Miami River Greenway Development – Mr. Kevin Brown, Consul-Tech / City of Miami Capital Improvement, presented the revised final plans for the on-road greenway in Spring Garden along NW North River Drive from the west side of the Humpback Bridge on NW 7th Street Road (east end) to NW 11th Place (west end). Dr. Martin welcomed Spring Garden residents to the GSC meeting. Mr. Brown noted he had received input from the Spring Garden Civic Association prior to today’s meeting, and their suggestions/comments have been incorporated in the current revised final plans. The project plans consist of:
- Reconstruction of North River Drive while maintaining two lanes of traffic at all times
- A 15-foot publicly accessible on-road greenway on the river’s (south west) side of NW North River Drive, consisting of 2 unobstructed 5-foot wide sidewalks separated by a 5 foot wide landscaped median with decorative lighting, signage, benches, etc.
- City of Miami will conduct improvements until the on-road greenway reaches the Greenway section under construction by FDOT with the 12 Ave Bridge replacement.
- Mr. Brown explained the planned Spring Garden on-road greenway would directly connect to the east with the Humpback Bridge , and to the west with the Greenway under construction by FDOT in the NW 12 Ave Bridge replacement project. Mr. Brown added the City is coordinating with Post Buckley, whom is designing the adjacent Greenway for FDOT.
- On south side of North River Drive, will preserve existing trees in front of the Bermuda House, therefore there is no on-street parking from 11 PL to 11 Ave; project will consist of 67 Washingtonian Palms
- Contractors are responsible for landscaping maintenance for the first year; following one year, the city will continue to address identifying a method to provide long-term maintenance
- No on-street parking from NW 11th Avenue to NW 10th Court
- On-street parking will be provided from NW 10th Avenue to NW 9th Court , on the upland (north east) side
- Heading east to NW 7th Street Road: will maintain parking on north side
- Pavement will be resurfaced along NW 7th Street Road; landscaping and decorative lighting upgrades; raise elevation of roadway
- Way-finding signage, informational kiosks, pedestrian ramps, crosswalk treatments, benches, trash receptacles, historic markers, and mile markers, consistent with the sections A-G will be included
- 1 kiosk to be located west of Point Park , 1 kiosk to be located in front of Greenfield Garden
- Pedestrian signage will be located at: NW 11th Place, NW 9th Court, NW corner of 7th Street Road and 7th Street , etc.
- Mr. Brown agreed to provide Mr. Bibeau with the “North Spring Garden Way-Finding Specs”
- Mr. Bibeau asked if they had considered utilizing the recently created FPL cost-share for under grounding utilities, and Mr. Brown replied the City had decided not to underground utilities
- Mr. Bibeau asked how much funding is available for construction documents and construction, and inquired about the city’s funding sources, and Mr. Brown agreed to forward that information. Mr. Brown noted the funding includes the FDOT awarded $1 million grant, entitled “East Allapattah Greenway”. Mr. Bibeau added he authored that FDOT grant application on behalf of the City of Miami , and commended the City for bringing the awarded grant project to fruition.
- The GSC asked for a project timeline, and Mr. Brown replied construction will be completed within 10 months
- The planned Greenway stops short of the existing Point Park entrance, because the potential Point Park Phase II would include a reconstructed entrance which would connect with the Spring Garden greenway
Mr. Brown stated the North Spring Garden Greenway project will be presented before the City of Miami Historic and Environmental Preservation Board in June. Mr. Brown noted Ms. Kathleen Kaufman, City of Miami Director of Historic Preservation, had requested that he obtain endorsement letters prior to the HEPB meeting, and the GSC agreed to provide a letter, on behalf of the MRC, supporting the project. Mr. Brown added the City would like to host another meeting with Spring Garden residents prior to the project breaking ground.
Mr. Bibeau asked if the City had made any progress with FP & L regarding activating light poles located adjacent to recently constructed sections of “on-road” Greenway, and Mr. Brown replied the city was expecting FP & L to complete this necessary work soon.
Mr. Bibeau asked for an update regarding the following on-road greenway issues:
- Historic marker knocked down in car accident and removed, adjacent to the Scottish Rite Temple. Mr. Brown noted the City’s contractor of that on-road greenway section has the marker in his possession, and plans to reinstall it in the near future
- Greenway informational sign in front of Garcia’s Seafood was bent in a car accident, and the owners of Garcia’s tried to repair the pole to the best of their ability. Mr. Bibeau asked if the City could inspect the sign, and Mr. Brown suggested contacting 3-1-1 .
- A tree located in a Greenway island across from Garcia’s Seafood was knocked down in a car accident. Mr. Brown suggested contacting 3-1-1 to report the issue.
Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, distributed the “Miami River Greenway Sections B, C and G Previously Discussed Design Opportunities & Concerns Submitted by Dr. Ernie Martin April 23, 2007 .” The GSC agreed to review the document prior to next month’s GSC meeting.
V. Discussion of FDEP Land & Water Conservation Fund Grant Opportunity & Creation of Riverwalk & Fisherman’s Wharf in Lummus Park - Dr. Martin noted he and MRC staff had met with City of Miami Commissioner Michelle Spence-Jones, Mary Conway (CIP), Laura Billberry (Public Facilities), representatives from the Grants Department and Garcia’s Seafood Restaurant on Tuesday to discuss the status of the riverfront portion of Lummus Park, a.k.a. “Lummus Landing.” Dr. Martin noted that though city representatives did not offer a commitment to connect the proposed Lummus Landing riverwalk with Greenway Segment B, Commissioner Spence-Jones supports the implementation of the Miami River Greenway in her district, and directed city staff to look into funding the project, which would include the creation of a publicly accessible riverwalk, and eventually a Fisherman’s Wharf. During the meeting Mr. Bibeau suggested that the city apply to FDEP’s Land & Water Conservation Fund Grant. The deadline for the grant is June 1, 2007 . The $200,000 grant award, noted Mr. Bibeau, could be used to construct a publicly accessible greenway along Lummus Landing. Commissioner Spence Jones directed the City grants representatives to apply for the grant in order to secure additional funding towards creating the riverwalk in Lummus Park .
Mr. Bibeau noted the owners of Garcia’s Seafood were also present at the meeting to discuss their current month-to-month “License Agreement” with the City of Miami . Mr. Bibeau stated the owners of Garcia’s, who have operated along the river for over 30 years, are willing to relocate their seafood business, located adjacent to the City of Miami Administration building, to Lummus Landing and help create a “Fisherman’s Wharf.” Mr. Bibeau added Commissioner Spence-Jones had directed him to work with city staff to potentially bring this idea to fruition, and directed City staff to provide answers to outstanding questions, including any remaining funding for the project, by June 1.
VI. Review of Miami River Greenway Riverwalk Cross Section – Per the request of Dr. Martin, Ms. Chase presented a document highlighting greenway inconsistencies between the obtained cross sections from the City of Miami Planning and Building Department, vs. what was presented to the MRC and approved by the City Commission. Ms. Chase agreed to streamline the report prior to the MRC’s meeting with City Manager Pete Hernandez.
VII. New Business – Mr. Bibeau stated a few months ago the Greenways subcommittee discussed the unsightly process for utility companies to mark their underground locations, which has lead to significant spray painting on new Greenway sections. Mr. Bibeau commended Mayor Manny Diaz for sponsoring a resolution, unanimously adopted by the City Commission on April 26, 2007 , urging all county and municipal mayors of the State of Florida to support amending the existing Florida Statute, by requiring the utility companies to remove their respective underground utility markings from the rights-of-way, upon completion of the associated project.
The GSC confirmed their next regularly scheduled second Wednesday of the month meeting on June 13, 2007 , 2 PM , 1407 NW 7 ST, New Board Room.
The meeting adjourned. |
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Greenways Subcommittee (GSC) met as regularly scheduled on the second Wednesday of the month, May 9, 2007, 2:00 PM, 1407 NW 7 ST, New Board Room. Dr. Ernie Martin chaired the meeting. The attendance sheet is enclosed.
Ms. Lavinia Freeman, Trust for Public Land (TPL), stated she will be leaving TPL and will become a journalism teacher. Ms. Freeman thanked everyone for the hard work in support of the Miami River Greenway, and the Greenways subcommittee thanked Ms. Freeman for her years of excellent work as TPL's Miami River Greenway project Manager. The Greenways subcommittee noted Ms. Freeman and TPL's tremendous role in bringing the Miami River Greenway to fruition. Ms. Freeman stated she wasn't sure who from TPL would participate in the monthly MRC Greenways subcommittee meetings.
Mr. Bibeau provided the Greenways subcommittee with the revisions suggested by Robert Ruano, MRC designee for the Honorable City of Miami Mayor Diaz, to the Greenways subcommittee's May 9, 2007 meeting minutes. Dr. Martin stated although he recalled the Honorable Commissioner Michelle Spence Jones expressed support for the concept of the City of Miami applying for an MRC identified Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) grant to fund the creation of a riverwalk in Lummus Park to be stronger than to simply “explore the possibility”, he agreed to the requested amendment. Mr. Brown, Consultech, asked to amend page 4, first bullet by replacing “project will consist of 67 Washingtonian Palms” with “project will try to preserve the majority of the previously existing Washingtonian Palms”. MRC Greenways subcommittee chair, Dr. Martin, accepted the revised May 9, 2007 Greenways subcommittee minutes, with the revisions recommended by Mr. Brown and Mr. Ruano.
I. Discuss Future Miami River Greenway Governance – Dr. Martin reported Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, and he recently met with City Manager Pete Hernandez, Mary Conway, CFO, City of Miami Police Lieutenant Socorro, and Ed Blanco, City of Miami Parks Department, regarding several Greenway issues, including the need to identify means of providing the maintenance, security and special events along the Miami River Greenway. Dr. Martin stated the MRC binder of materials created for the Greenways Retreat, including outlines of the Business Improvement District, (BID), Trust, and Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District options was provided to the Manager for his consideration. Dr. Martin stated they further discussed the fact that the current draft Miami 21 Eastern Quadrant does not require a riverfront building setback and does not require publicly accessible riverwalks, nor incorporate the recently drafted and City funded “Miami River Greenway Regulatory Design Standards and Guidelines”. Dr. Martin reported Manager Hernandez agreed that the draft Miami 21 Eastern Quadrant should be amended prior to consideration by the City Commission at first reading, by inserting a publicly accessible riverwalk consistent with the Miami River Greenway Action Plan. Dr. Martin noted the Miami River Greenway Action Plan , provides an exception for incompatible low density residential and marine industrial uses. Mr. Bibeau noted the final draft Miami 21 “Eastern Quadrant” is scheduled to be presented to the Miami City Commission for adoption at First Reading on Thursday, June 28, 2007 . Dr. Martin reported Manager Hernandez suggested the revised and final Miami River Greenway Design Guidelines and Standards should be considered for adoption as a self standing ordinance, after the Miami 21 – Eastern Quadrant is adopted. Dr. Martin added Mr. Nunez, City of Miami Planning Department, has agreed to provide him with the revised and final Miami River Greenway Design Guidelines and Standards. Dr. Martin noted during the City of Miami Planning Advisory Board hearing on the draft Miami 21 Eastern Quadrant, the consultants conceptually agreed to the MRC's recommendations:
1) Expanding the riverfront building setback (the draft's “rear setback”) to 50 feet, incorporating the City Charter formula which indicates that the setback for parcels less than 200-feet-wide would become 25% of the property width, and exempting marine industrial and low density residential properties;
2) Requiring a publicly accessible riverwalk consistent with the Miami River Greenway Action Plan , featuring a minimum 20-foot-wide area consisting of an unobstructed 16-foot-wide pedestrian path with an additional 4-foot passive zone including decorative lighting, landscaping, etc.
Mr. Bibeau stated as discussed in the May Greenways subcommittee on May 21, 2007 a successful Miami River Greenway clean up event was held with 130 volunteer Ransom Everglades High School Seniors. Mr. Bibeau thanked the volunteer students whom removed litter and weeds, spread mulch, painted, etc. along the South River Drive on-road greenway, from José Martí Park to NW 2 nd Street , as well as along the north shore on-road greenway, from NW 3 rd Street to NW 6 th Avenue . In addition the volunteers provided litter removal along South River Drive from NW 27 Ave to NW 20 ST, south shoreline at 1401-1407 NW 7 ST, and the north shoreline beneath I-836.
Mr. Bibeau reported as discussed during the Greenways subcommittee's May public meeting, he conducted a Greenways site visit with Lt. Edwards, Miami-Dade “Boot Camp”, on May 15, whom agreed to provide free labor/prison inmates to remove litter, weeds, and spread mulch along sections of the Miami River on a monthly basis. Mr. Bibeau noted the work would be conducted in the morning, before adjacent restaurants open for business. Mr. Bibeau provided copies of the letter LT. Edwards requested, outlining the following specific Greenway areas and maintenance needs:
- NW North River Drive and NW 3 ST to NW 6 Ave – Removing litter, pulling weeds and spreading mulch along the “on-road greenway”
- NW South River Drive from SW 2 ST to NW 1 ST - Removing litter, pulling weeds and spreading mulch along the “on-road greenway”
- NW 11 ST, just west of NW 12 Ave beneath I-836 – Removing litter along the north shore
- 2980 NW South River Drive to NW 27 Ave – Removing litter along the south shore
- Miami-Dade Housing Agency, 1401-1407 NW 7 ST – Removing litter along the south shore
Mr. Bibeau noted a June 7, 2007 Miami Today article entitled “Tax Cuts in Tallahassee could lead to business improvement districts”, which is one means to consider providing re-occurring funding for Greenway maintenance, security and special events.
Mr. Bibeau provided a picture of the City's recently developed section of on-road Greenway in front of Garcia's and Casablanca's Seafood Restaurant (398 North River Drive), where he had previously reported a car accident resulted in the removal of a tree and all landscaping in one area. Dr. Martin noted another tree on the City owned on-road Greenway across the street from Neo Lofts, on S. River Drive between Flagler and 1 st ST , is down as well, and asked if the City was planning on replacing the trees on the City owned sections of on-road Miami River Greenway. Mr. Kevin Brown, Consul-Tech / City of Miami Capital Improvement , offered to inquire with the appropriate City staff and report back at the July Greenways. Mr. Brown added the contractor's one year of maintenance included in their original contract for these sections has expired. Mr. Brown noted the same contractor is currently constructing on-road Miami River Greenway sections “B & C”, and will replace the broken and incorrect signage in previous sections as they work on the current sections.
II. Status of Miami River Greenway Historic Markers – Mr. Bibeau thanked Ms. Freeman and historians Dr. Paul George and Jim Broton for submitting written recommended revisions to the draft “East Coast Fisheries” and “John Seybold Estate & Spring Garden” historic markers. Mr. Bibeau distributed the revised drafts, which were approved by the Greenways subcommittee.
Mr. Bibeau reported as directed by the Greenways subcommittee during the May 2007 meeting, MRC staff had mailed the developer of “Latitude on the River” the Greenways historic markers specifications and guidelines, in order for them to fabricate and install their pledged historic marker at the development site to commemorate the former location of Brickell Shipyard and Miami Ship Services. The developer has agreed to honor their commitment, and asked the MRC to provide the marker's draft text and images as well. Therefore, Mr. Bibeau distributed the draft marker and the Greenways subcommittee agreed to provide any recommendations before the July meeting in order to provide the final text to the developer ASAP.
III.Discuss Status of Miami River Greenway Development – Mr. Kevin Brown, Consul-Tech / City of Miami Capital Improvement, provided an update regarding the revised final plans for the on-road greenway in Spring Garden along NW North River Drive from the west side of the Humpback Bridge on NW 7 th Street Road (east end) to NW 11 th Place (west end). Mr. Brown stated the City of Miami 's Historic and Environmental Preservation Board (HEPB) deferred consideration of the project's “Certificate of Appropriateness” to their July 3, 2007 meeting. Mr. Brown stated another meeting is being scheduled with the City of Miami and the Spring Garden residents, to review the revised plans again, prior to the July 3 HEPB meeting. Mr. Brown stated the City of Miami has mailed all property owners within the area a permission form for their execution, which would allow the City's contractors to enter their property in order to level the elevations where they connect with the new street / on-road Greenway. Mr. Brown reported the current estimated timeline is for the construction bid to be accepted in
November 2007, followed by contracting and Notice to Proceed construction in early 2008. The Greenways subcommittee enquired about the total project cost and funding sources, which Mr. Brown offered to provide during the next Greenways meeting. Mr. Brown stated the City of Miami will submit a request to extend the timeline for the FDOT $1 million grant award towards this section of the on-road greenway, because the project will not be completed by the current September 30, 2007 deadline.
Mr. Bibeau asked if the City had made any progress with FP & L regarding activating light poles located adjacent to recently constructed sections of “on-road” Greenway, and Mr. Brown replied the city was expecting FP & L to complete this necessary work soon.
Mr. Brown stated on-road Miami River Greenway sections “B & C” are currently under construction along N. River Drive from I-95 to Lummus Park . Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, re-distributed the “Miami River Greenway Sections B, C and G Previously Discussed Design Opportunities & Concerns Submitted by Dr. Ernie Martin April 23, 2007 .” Dr. Martin stated he didn't have an opportunity to discuss the document with TPL yet, whom would need to ask their consultant to revise the completed engineering documents, which are currently being constructed to address the identified issues outlined in the document. Mr. Brown provided the Greenways Subcommittee with a printed copy of the signage specs and locations within the current sections of Miami River Greenway construction. The Greenways subcommittee suggested a site visit to review the locations, signage text, etc.
The Greenways subcommittee noted when the recent section of on-road greenway adjacent to Garcia's and Casablanca restaurants was constructed, the subcommittee recommended installation of the new parking pay boxes rather than meters, which obstruct the sidewalk. Meters were then installed on the new on-road Greenway, which were recently removed and replaced with the previously recommended pay boxes. Therefore, the Greenways subcommittee recommended pay boxes be installed in on-road greenway sections “B, C & G”, rather than parking meters. Mr. Brown directed the Greenways subcommittee to advise the Miami Parking Authority of this recommendation.
MRC staff distributed copies of e-mails and reports recently provided by the City of Miami , regarding creating a publicly accessible riverwalk in Lummus Park . Dr. Martin noted in a recent meeting the City of Miami District Commissioner, the Honorable Michele Spence Jones, asked Mr. Bibeau and the Greenways Subcommittee to provide her with updates regarding creating a publicly accessible riverwalk and considering a “Fisherman's Wharf” area within the riverfront portion of Lummus Park, featuring areas for commercial fishing dockage, operations and markets. Dr. Martin noted the site was designed by the City to have a maximum of three out parcels, and noted Garcia's Seafood Commercial fishing location has been with a month to month license agreement on a City owned riverfront parcel for over 30 years.
Mr. Bibeau reported a significant portion of the sea-wall at the State of FL owned, and Department of State administered Miami Circle site, along with a section of the upland, recently collapsed into the Miami River . Mr. Bibeau provided a picture of the collapsed seawall, and distributed copies of the following correspondence:
- July 26, 2002 letter from Department of State stating, “The Division of Historical Resources is committing a portion of CARL management funds…for seawall stabilization at the Miami Circle…estimated to cost between $82,800 and $95,220” (the aforementioned shoreline stabilization never occurred)
- September 21, 2005 letter and site plan from the Related Group to Ryan Wheeler, DOS, stating, “The design and development of the Miami River Greenway trail through the 2.2 acre Miami Circle property is also reflected in the Design Concept prepared by the Related Group of Florida and is consistent with the planned baywalk improvements within the Icon Brickell project and the adjacent Brickell Park permanent improvement plan. To date, the related group of Florida has funded the cost of this initial Design Concept and is committed to a continued financial support to implement the desired concept plan.”
- May 12, 2006 letter from Brett Bibeau, MRC to Ryan Wheeler, DOS
Mr. Bibeau reported a June 14, 2007 Miami Today article was entitled “Museum (Historical Museum of South Florida) to manage Circle site”. Mr. Bibeau stated Mr. McCannon, Director of the Historical Museum of South Florida, invited him to a meeting at the museum with the Miami Circle stakeholders at noon on June 28, 2007 . Mr. McCannon informed Mr. Bibeau that the DOS has indicated their plan is to provide temporary repair measures to stabilize the sites collapsed seawall, while the DOS submits a $2.5 million legislative budget request, which will be considered in May 2008, to potentially fund the final and long planned permanent repair of the Miami Circle seawall.
The Greenways subcommittee noted the site has remained unimproved and unavailable to the public since the taxpayers purchased the site in 1999 for over $24 million. The Greenways subcommittee directed MRC staff to strongly advocate for the immediate execution of the long standing plans to permanently repair the Miami Circle sea-wall, followed by the State's acceptance of the Related Group's generous written commitment to fund and construct the riverwalk to finally provide public access to the Miami Circle site.
IV. Review of Miami River Greenway Riverwalk Cross Section – Per the request of Dr. Martin and the Greenways subcommittee, MRC staff will present two reviews of approved Miami River Greenway cross sections during each Greenways subcommittee meeting. Dr. Martin noted the City of Miami has requested modifications of the majority of the private sector constructed riverwalk sections, because they were not consistent with the dimensions approved by the City Commission. MRC staff distributed a review of the Latitude on the River and adjacent Neo Vertika riverwalk's City Commission approvals vs. as-built dimensions, supplemented with the approved renditions and recent photographs of the subject as-built riverwalk sections. The Greenways subcommittee noted the City Commission approved riverwalk renditions for the aforementioned riverfront developments are wider than the as-built riverwalks, and the approved plans provide connectivity to adjacent riverwalk sections, while the as-built sections fail to connect. Therefore, the Greenways subcommittee Chair Dr. Martin directed MRC staff to advocate for the City to require the developers to make the necessary corrections to their riverwalks, in order to make them consistent with the Riverwalk dimensions unanimously approved by the City Commission. Mr. Dick Bunnell, Bunnell Foundation (experienced shoreline contractor) stated it was possible to construct connectors for both riverwalk sections, and stated Neo Vertika is considering undertaking a shoreline repair, which may incorporate some solutions to provide improved riverwalk connectivity with adjacent parcels.
V. Discussion of Greenway Connectors Needed on County-Owned Property on North Shore Beneath the South Miami Avenue Bridge & Metro-Rail, South Shore Beneath the Metro-Rail, Metro-Mover, and NW 2 Ave Bridge – Dr. Martin reported he participated in a publicly noticed meeting with Board of County Commission Chairman Bruno Barreiro, his MRC designee Lubby Navarro, and Brett Bibeau, Managing Director of the Miami River Commission (MRC). The meeting was held to discuss the importance of constructing greenway sections on County owned riverfront parcels to connect existing riverwalk sections in order to provide a continuous Greenway system from east to west. Mr. Bibeau distributed copies of the document used during the meeting, identifying the locations with pictures of the County owned riverfront sites which require riverwalk connector sections to be constructed. Dr. Martin reported Chairman Barreiro offered to support the concept of expediting the use of the County Bond 's $7.5 million Miami River Greenway line item, to construct the riverwalk on the identified County owned parcels requiring riverwalks.
VI. New Business – The GSC confirmed their next regularly scheduled second Wednesday of the month meeting on July 11, 2007 , 2 PM .
The meeting adjourned. |
The Miami River Commission's (MRC) Greenways Subcommittee (GSC) met as regularly scheduled on the second Wednesday of the month, June 13, 2007, 2:00 PM, 1407 NW 7 ST, New Board Room. Dr. Ernie Martin chaired the meeting. The attendance sheet is enclosed.
I. Discuss Future Miami River Greenway Governance – Ms. Ashley Chase, MRC Managing Director, noted Mr. Kevin Brown , Consul-Tech / City of Miami Capital Improvement , was unable to attend today's meeting to provide an update regarding the “Miami River Greenway Design Guidelines and Standards.” Dr. Martin and Mr. Bibeau noted the City of Miami had recently provided the revised and final “Miami River Greenway Design Guidelines and Standards,” which incorporates all 50 of the MRC's recommended revisions to the draft, including the following final two May 2, 2005 recommendations: replacing “encouraging” public access along the Miami River Greenway with “requiring” public access along the Miami River Greenway; and extending the current 50-foot building setback formula required for new developments along the Miami River to the east of the 5 ST Bridge throughout the Miami River, with the exemption of new low-density and marine industrial development, where the Greenway would proceed around the property as an “on-road” Greenway. Mr. Bibeau noted the MRC recommended the City formally adopt and enforce these standards.
Mr. Bibeau distributed “Actions Items Identified during Honorable Commissioner Sarnoff's Miami River Greenway Bicycle Tour within his Commission District on June 23, 2007 .” Mr. Bibeau noted Mr. Jim Murley , Chair of the MRC's Urban Infill Working Group, Miami City Commissioner Marc Sarnoff, staff Mr. Ron Nelson and he participated in the Saturday afternoon bike ride. Along the way Commissioner Sarnoff expressed an interest in removing a City owned fence which was blocking public accessibility between the riverwalk sections in Fort Dallas Park and the “Riverwalk” Metro-mover station. Since the bike tour, Mr. Bibeau noted he had exchanged emails with Mr. Nelson regarding Mr. Dick Bunnell's, Bunnell Foundation, Inc., offer to remove the city-owned fence in Fort Dallas Park at no charge. Additional Action Items noted in the tour included but were not limited to confirming setbacks and riverwalk dimensions at Mind, Cima, Ivy, and Mint, Epic Sales Center, filling vacant first floor restaurant / retail spaces, $1 million FDOT greenway grant awarded to the City for south shore from Metro-Rail to S. Miami Ave, and the Miami Circle.
II. Status of Miami River Greenway Historic Markers – Mr. Bibeau noted that, per the request of the Greenways subcommittee during the May 2007 meeting, MRC staff had mailed the developer of “Latitude on the River” the Greenways historic marker specifications and guidelines, in order for them to fabricate and install their pledged historic marker entitled, “Miami Shipbuilding Corporation,” at the development site to commemorate the former location of Brickell Shipyard and Miami Ship Services. The developer confirmed receipt of the specs, and reconfirmed their former pledge to include the historic marker, therefore requested the MRC to provide them with the text and images for fabrication and installation. Ms. Ashley Chase, MRC Assistant Managing Director, noted the draft “Miami Shipbuilding Corporation” marker had been provided to the GSC and historians Dr. Paul George and Jim Broton prior to today's meeting for recommendations/revisions. Ms. Chase noted MRC staff and Dr. George had submitted comments, which have been incorporated into the current draft, which was distributed. MRC staff agreed to submit the revised final draft to a Spanish translator, and upon completion, the bi-lingual text and images would be provided to the developer of “Latitude on the River.”
III. Discuss Status of Miami River Greenway Development – Dr. Martin asked MRC staff to begin including “Status of the Merrill-Stevens / Related Group Project” and “Status of the Miami Circle ” as Item III subtopics in future GSC meeting agendas. Dr. Martin noted Ms. Kathleen Kauffman, City of Miami Director of Historic Preservation, continues to meet with Spring Garden residents to address concerns regarding the North Spring Garden Greenway project, which calls for the construction of an on-road greenway in Spring Garden along NW North River Drive from the west side of the Humpback Bridge on NW 7 th Street Road (east end) and connect to the NW 12 Ave Bridge Greenway. Dr. Martin stated the City of Miami 's Historic and Environmental Preservation Board (HEPB) deferred consideration of the project's “Certificate of Appropriateness” at the July 3, 2007 meeting, and had scheduled a second presentation in early September. Dr. Martin noted the Spring Garden Civic Association (SGCA) is meeting on Monday, July 16, at a yet-to-be-determined location, to continue discussing the project.
Mr. Bibeau re-distributed the “Miami River Greenway Sections B, C and G Previously Discussed Design Opportunities & Concerns Submitted by Dr. Ernie Martin April 23, 2007 .” Dr. Martin stated he didn't have an opportunity to discuss the document with TPL yet, whom would need to ask their consultant to revise the completed engineering documents, which are currently being constructed to address the identified issues outlined in the document.
Mr. Bibeau stated MRC staff had attended a meeting at the Historical Museum of South Florida (HMSF) with Miami Circle stakeholders on June 28, 2007 to discuss a remediation plan for the collapsed Miami Circle seawall. Mr. Bibeau noted the HMSF was close to signing an agreement with the Department of State (DOS) to oversee and maintain the site. Mr. Bibeau noted Mr. Ryan Wheeler, DOS, had shared DOS's plan to provide temporary repair measures to stabilize the site's collapsed seawall, while the DOS submits a $2.5 million legislative budget request, which will be considered in May 2008, to potentially fund the final and long planned permanent repair of the Miami Circle seawall. Mr. Bibeau stated during the meeting he learned that DOS had requested $2 million for the site the previous year, which was denied by the Legislature. Mr. Bibeau stated the Honorable Representative Luis Garcia unexpectedly showed a picture of the collapsed Miami Circle seawall during a July 9 press conference for a check presentation announcing the combined funding award to continue the Miami River Maintenance Dredging project. Mr. Bibeau noted the Honorable Congresswoman has also expressed her support to expedite the repair of the Miami Circle seawall by inviting local, state and federal officials and the media to a press conference at the site on Saturday, July 21, 2007, 1 pm. Mr. Bibeau added the HMSF has invited Miami Circle stakeholders to another meeting on Monday, July 23, noon , at the museum. GSC Chair Martin directed MRC staff to continue advocating for the immediate execution of the long standing plans to permanently repair the Miami Circle sea-wall, followed by the State's acceptance of the Related Group's generous written commitment to fund and construct the riverwalk to finally provide public access to the Miami Circle site.
Mr. Bibeau presented Dr. Martin with e-mails and reports provided by the City of Miami, regarding creating a publicly accessible riverwalk in Lummus Park . Mr. Bibeau noted Ms. Mary Conway, City of Miami Director of Capital Improvements, had yet to reply to his e-mailed follow up questions regarding which components of the incomplete project were accomplished with the expended over $1.1 million spent thus far.
IV. Review of Miami River Greenway Riverwalk Cross Section – Mr. Bibeau noted Miami City Commissioner Joe Sanchez had requested a meeting with Mr. Bibeau and the developer of “Latitude on the River” last month to address inconsistent riverwalk dimensions and the site's lack of connectivity to the adjacent development “Neo Vertika” and the NW 2 nd Avenue Bridge, as reviewed during the Greenway Subcommittee's June 11, 2007 meeting. Mr. Bibeau noted the City Commission-approved riverwalk renditions for the aforementioned riverfront development are wider than the as-built riverwalk. Mr. Bibeau added that the approved plans also provided connectivity to adjacent riverwalk sections, but the as-built sections failed to connect. Mr. Bibeau noted the developer of “Latitude on the River” seemed somewhat willing to provide a riverwalk connection to the NW 2 nd Avenue Bridge by installing a 6-foot cantilevered bridge. When during the meeting Mr. Bibeau recommended a 16-foot wide (consistent with the Miami River Greenway Action Plan) cantilevered bridge instead over the developer owned submerged land, Mr. Steve Gelb, E.A. Fish, indicated he would consider it, yet it maybe more difficult to obtain a permit for a wider bridge. Mr. Bibeau had suggested reducing the width of the retainer landscaping wall in order to maintain the City Commission approved 16-foot unobstructed pedestrian path where it narrows to 8 feet wide, which is only half of the approved width. The developer suggested doing so may impact the nearby ADA compliant ramp.
Mr. Bibeau noted the developer of “Neo Vertika” had removed the county-owned fence which blocked direct access to the M-Path, yet was not planning to perform shoreline repair, which may have incorporated some solutions to provide improved riverwalk connectivity with adjacent parcels.
Per the request of Dr. Martin and the Greenways subcommittee, MRC staff continues to present two reviews of approved Miami River Greenway cross sections during each Greenways subcommittee meeting. MRC staff therefore distributed the attached review of the “Riverfront East” (composed of “Wind” (Phase I), “Cima” (Phase II) and a yet-to-be-named third tower (Phase III)) and “Riverfront West” (composed of “Ivy” (Phase I), “Mint” (Phase II) and two yet-to-be-named towers (Phase III & IV) riverwalks approved by the MRC and the Miami City Commission vs. under construction dimensions. GSC Chair Dr. Martin directed MRC staff to advocate for the City to require the developers to make the necessary corrections to their riverwalks, in order to make them consistent with the Riverwalk dimensions unanimously approved by the City Commission. GSC Chair Martin asked Ms. Chase to obtain copies of Miami City Commission transcripts in which these projects were approved and directed Mr. Bibeau to set up a meeting with “the Riverfront East and West” developers and the City to confirm pledged and approved 50 foot building setback and 16 foot wide unobstructed publicly accessible riverwalk.
V. Discussion of Greenway Connectors Needed on County-Owned Property on North Shore Beneath the South Miami Avenue Bridge & Metro-Rail, South Shore Beneath the Metro-Rail, Metro-Mover, and NW 2 Ave Bridge – Mr. Bibeau distributed the “County Greenway Connectors June 25, 2007” document identifying locations including pictures of County owned riverfront sites which require riverwalk connector sections to be constructed in order to provide a continuous Greenway system from east to west.
Mr. Bibeau distributed an e-mail from Ms. Ana Finol, Senior Professional Engineer for Miami-Dade County 's Office of Capital Improvements, stating the County's Public Works Department will manage the approved $7.5 million Miami River Greenway line item in the County's General Obligation Bond issue to construct a publicly accessible riverwalk on county-owned riverfront parcels. Mr. Bibeau noted per the County's request, he had provided Ms. Finol with a CD version of the Miami River Greenway Action Plan, which Public Works will consider while creating the scope of work and hire a consultant to create engineering documents, followed by construction using the line item funding. Mr. Bibeau noted he had invited Ms. Priscilla Morales and several Miami-Dade County representatives to the July 26 American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) Miami River boat tour.
VI. New Business – The following items were addressed/discussed:
MRC staff distributed a 5/30/07 resolution of the Miami City Commission authorizing the City Manager to distribute funds, in an amount not to exceed $162, 171, from the Tree Trust Fund to various community based organizations (“CBOS”) for the purpose of planting trees on certain pubic rights-of-way in the City of Miami . Chair Martin directed MRC staff to inquire with Treemendous and Citizens to see if there is any potential for some of the trees to be planted within the Miami River corridor.
Mr. Bibeau distributed a 6/22/07 resolution of the Miami City Commission authorizing the City Manager to exercise the City of Miami's option to renew twelve job order contracts to continue to provide maintenance and construction services citywide, on an as-needed basis for capital projects for an additional one-year period. Chair Martin directed MRC staff ask Mr. Kevin Brown, Conultech on behalf of City of Miami , if any of the extended job order contract maintenance services are for the City's recently completed sections of the Miami River Greenway.
MRC staff distributed a link for two Office of Greenways & Trails “Bikes Belong” grant opportunities, and agreed to forward them to Mr. David Henderson, MPO, and the City of Miami .
The GSC noted it would not meet in August, and therefore confirmed their next regularly scheduled second Wednesday of the month meeting on September 12, 2007 , 2 PM .
The meeting adjourned.
Miami River Development Riverwalk Cross Sections
July 11, 2007 Review
Per the request of the Miami River Commission (MRC), the City of Miami Planning Department and the City of Miami Building Department are continuing to provide MRC staff with the approved plans, dimensions / cross sections for publicly accessible riverwalk sections proposed or already constructed at Miami River development projects. Per the direction of the MRC's Greenways Subcommittee (GSC), two sets of received approved publicly accessible riverwalk cross sections will be reviewed during each monthly public noticed GSC meeting. For your consideration during the July 11, 2007 GSC meeting, please find the following summaries of the approved plans for “ Riverfront East ,” which is composed of “Wind” (Phase I), “Cima” (Phase II) and a yet-to-be-named third tower (Phase III), and “ Riverfront West ” composed of “Ivy” (Phase I), “Mint” (Phase II) and two yet-to-be-named towers (Phase III & IV); “Wind” “Ivy” and “Mint” are currently under construction.
“Riverfront East” (formerly named “Miami River Renaissance” and “Miami River Village” in Major Use Special Permit, 24 SW 4 Street, on the north shore immediately west of the South Miami Ave Bridge)
“City of Miami Office of Hearing Boards” document signed by City of Miami Public Works Department on 9/28/04 , City of Miami Zoning Department on 10/4/04 and Building Department on 10/4/04 – Planning Department renditions include a riverwalk within a 50-foot setback. MRC staff is unable to determine if the pledged 16-foot unobstructed pedestrian path is provided within the riverwalk shown in the 50-foot setback.
Presented to MRC on July 22, 2002 and December 1, 2003, and the Urban Infill Working Group on November 18, 2003 ; Items of interest during both meetings:
The UIWG recommended that the MRC support a requested side-yard setback waiver because the developer was
1) willing to fund and develop the Miami River Greenway as it continues from his property to the east on Miami-Dade County owned public right-of-way beneath the South Miami Avenue Bridge;
2)agreed to work with Miami-Dade County to make aesthetic improvements to the bridge including new grating to reduce noise; 3) install Miami River Greenway way-finding signage; and 4) provide cleats for recreational vessel access. (UIWG, November 18, 2003 )
The developer agreed to widen the unobstructed
11-foot pedestrian path adjacent to the bridge tender tower to 16 feet. (UIWG 11/18/03 )
The approved MRC July 22, 2002 meeting minutes state the MRC “recommended approval of the project subject to [the developer] increasing the riverwalk width near the Miami Avenue Bridge Tender Tower .”
The approved MRC December 1, 2003 meeting minutes state, “Mr. Murley noted the MRC's July 2002 condition to widen the riverwalk's unobstructed path to 16 feet adjacent to the bridge tender tower has been met, and the UIWG recommended the MRC support the pending “Miami River Village's MUSP application. The UIWG further recommended that the developer continue to work with the MRC's Greenways Subcommittee on the Miami River Greenway way-finding signage installation.”
The approved MRC December 1, 2003 meeting minutes state, “Dr. Ernie Martin made a motion to approve the recommendation of the UIWG and the “Development Technical Review Report” of November 18, 2003 ,” and was unanimously adopted.
Issues :
A July 2002 rendering of the proposed development, distributed to the MRC, depicts a riverwalk connection proceeding east, beneath the South Miami Avenue Bridge . However, this connection is not shown in the 2004 City of Miami planning documents.
Confirming approved riverwalk width adjacent to the bridge tender tower is 16 feet
Confirming approved 50-foot riverfront building setback
“Riverfront West” (“Riverfront” in Major Use Special Permit, 55, 82, 92 and 95 SW 3 rd Street, on the north shore immediately west of the South Miami Ave Bridge, south of SW 3 rd Street and west of MetroRail)
“City of Miami Office of Hearing Boards Plans Review” document signed by City of Miami Public Works Department on 9/28/04, City of Miami Zoning Department on 10/4/04 and City of Miami Planning Department on 10/4/04 – Planning Department renditions include a riverwalk within a 50-foot setback. MRC staff is unable to determine if the pledged 16-foot unobstructed pedestrian path is provided within the riverwalk shown in the 50-foot setback.
Presented to MRC on September 13, 2004 and the Urban Infill Working Group on August 24, 2004;
Items of interest during both meetings:
“Riverfront” consists of two adjacent Major Use Special Permit applications. The western half of “Riverfront” requires a zoning and land use amendment from Office to Commercial. The eastern half of “Riverfront requires a view corridor waiver, and a fifty foot set-back from the river at the S. Miami Ave Bridge tender tower. UIWG 8/24/04)
The “Development Technical Review Report” of the approved August 24, 2004 UIWG meeting minutes state, “The “Riverfront” proposal was found to be consistent with the Miami River Greenway Action
Plan, subject to the following conditions:
1) Provide riverwalk connectivity to existing riverwalk sections located to the east (beneath the S. Miami Ave bridge) and to the west (beneath Metro-Rail);
2) Widen the setback and riverwalk at the S. Miami Ave Bridge tower to a minimum of 20-feet;
3) Maintain a minimum 16-foot wide unobstructed publicly accessible pedestrian path;” In addition, the UIWG recommended the riverwalk be developed in Phase I and noted a need to study traffic circulation at the S. Miami Ave and 3 rd ST intersection
Mr. Steve Lefton, Kimley Horn and Associates, stated the riverwalk is consistent with the Miami River Greenway Action Plan, maintaining a 16-foot-wide publicly accessible unobstructed riverwalk. (MRC 9/13/04 )
The September 13, 2004 approved MRC meeting minutes state, “Ms. Sallye Jude, MRC, asked if the developers would consider funding and developing the riverwalk connection beneath the South Miami Avenue Bridge, and Mr. Frank Guerra, NEO LLC, replied it was in their best interest for their project's retail component to assist in providing the riverwalk beneath the South Miami Avenue Bridge in order to connect with the existing riverwalk to the east. Mr. Guerra asked for the MRC's assistance in facilitating discussions on riverwalk connectivity with Miami-Dade County , which owns the public right-of-way beneath the South Miami Avenue Bridge and the MetroRail.
The September 13, 2004 approved MRC meeting minutes state, “The “Riverfront” project is consistent with the Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan and the Miami River Greenway Action Plan, subject to the riverwalk being developed within five years…of the project's Major Use Special Permit.”
Issues :
Developing the riverwalk connection to the west beneath the MetroRail and to the east beneath S. Miami Ave Bridge
Ensure a 50-foot setback and 16-foot unobstructed publicly accessible riverwalk |
The Miami River Commission's (MRC) Greenways Subcommittee (GSC) met as regularly scheduled on the second Wednesday of the month, July 11, 2007, 2:00 PM, 1407 NW 7 ST, Robert King High Classroom. Dr. Ernie Martin chaired the meeting. The attendance sheet is enclosed
I. Discuss Future Miami River Greenway Governance – Dr. Martin stated he and Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, had met with City Manager Pete Hernandez and City of Miami Planning Department representatives, whom had indicated that the revised and final “Miami River Greenway Design Guidelines and Standards” should be considered for adoption as a self standing ordinance after the City Commission adopts Miami 21's Eastern Quadrant.
Mr. Bibeau distributed a Miami Today article, “MiMo, Design districts under study for business districts,” and noted that the creation of a business improvement district could essentially provide a solution for future greenway governance. Mr. Robert Weinreb , City of Manager , discussed the possibility of having police and/or code enforcement provide security along the Miami River Greenway. Mr. Weinreb stated he supported the concept of designating the Miami River Greenway as a City of Miami Linear Park, and incorporate the use of “Park Rangers”. Mr. Bibeau noted the MRC continues to host and coordinate volunteer clean-ups along the Miami River, most recently with “Engage Miami,” Team Metro Melrose and the University of Miami. The next MRC coordinated and funded volunteer clean ups of the City owned on-road Greenway sections will take place on 10/6 and 10/27.
Mr. Bibeau distributed a series of recent photographs from City owned sections of on-road greenway:
- North shore-tree in front of Garcia's Seafood Grille was run-over, will it be replaced?
- Graffiti on greenway way-finding signage on S. River Drive and SW 2 ST, will the graffiti be removed?
- Tree about to collapse on S. River Drive in front of Miami-Dade County Water & Sewer Department, will it be replanted?
Dr. Martin suggested as directed by the City of Miami that MRC staff report these conditions to 3-1-1 .
Regarding potential means to provide security along the Greenway, Mr. Bibeau distributed a Fact Sheet pertaining to the “Hot Spot Campaign,” a new method created by City Commissioner Michelle Spence-Jones, P.U.L.S.E, City of Miami Solid Waste Department, the Neighborhood Enhancement Team offices (NET), City of Miami Code Enforcement, and the Miami Police Department and the to report criminal activities including but not limited to illegal dumping, littering, etc.
Mr. Bibeau noted the City of Miami Police Department provided a power point presentation regarding their installation of a CCTV surveillance system along Biscayne Boulevard .
II. Status of Miami River Greenway Historic Markers – Ms. Ashley Chase, MRC Managing Director, noted MRC staff had received the Spanish draft of the “Miami Shipbuilding Corporation” historic marker from the translator, and upon review by the GSC, they would provide the final bi-lingual text and images to the developer of “Latitude on the River,” whom has pledged to fabricate and install the historic marker at the development site to commemorate the former location of Brickell Shipyard and Miami Ship Services. The GSC agreed to forward any final revisions to the “Miami Shipbuilding Corporation” historic marker final draft text and images to MRC staff by next week.
III. Discuss Status of Miami River Greenway Development – MRC staff agreed to begin including “Status of the Merrill-Stevens / Related Group Project” and “Status of the Miami Circle ” as Item III subtopics in future GSC meeting agendas. Dr. Martin noted Merrill-Stevens Dry Dock Company, as part of its expansion project plans, had expressed its commitment to create a publicly accessible riverwalk at their site, as well as at the county-owned property, Robert King High.
Mr. Kevin Brown , Consul-Tech / City of Miami Capital Improvement , provided the status on the City's construction of the following Miami River Greenway sections:
Segment B (NW North River Drive, NW 2 nd ST to Flagler ST) & Segment C (NW North River Drive, Flagler to Miami Riverside Center's Riverwalk / existing riverwalk beneath I-95) –80% of sidewalks are complete; 70% of curb and gutter are complete, 20% of lighting conduit is complete. Landscaping will be performed following sidewalk completion. Mr. Bibeau recommended planting all schieflera trinettes, which do have been requiring less maintenance and grown better in the previously completed City sections of on-road greenway, rather than the smaller plants used in portions of the previously constructed Greenway areas. Discussion of on-road greenway connection under I-95 through the Miami Riverside Center parking lot is still ongoing. Mr. Brown noted city representatives had scheduled a meeting with the City Manager to discuss the possibility of extending the riverwalk further west through the professional commercial fishing business site they lease to Garcia's.
Mr. Bibeau noted FDOT representatives have stated on the record that they are willing to incorporate the neglected Public Right of Way they control beneath and adjacent to the east side of the 1 ST Bridge to incorporate an expanded a riverfront pocket park adjacent to the on-road Greenway currently under construction. The GSC noted additional funding, construction engineering documents would need to be created to beautify that FDOT owned riverfront area.
IV. Discussion of North Spring Garden Greenway Project- Mr. Brown noted Ms. Kathleen Kauffman, City of Miami Director of Historic Preservation, continues to meet with Spring Garden residents to address concerns and find alternatives regarding the North Spring Garden Greenway project, which calls for the construction of an on-road greenway in Spring Garden along NW North River Drive from the west side of the Humpback Bridge on NW 7 th Street Road (east end) and connect to the NW 12 Ave Bridge Greenway. Mr. Brown noted the City of Miami 's Historic and Environmental Preservation Board (HEPB) met this month to consider the East side ( NW 9 th Court to NW 7 th Street Road) “Certificate of Appropriateness” separately. Mr. Brown noted the East side ( NW 12 th Avenue to NW 9 th Court ) was deferred to the HEP board's October 2 agenda to allow additional time for the City and residents to reach consensus. Mr. Bibeau distributed photographs of the subject area, which currently has sections in violation of ADA requirements because there are no sidewalks and has suffered from historic flooding issues, both of which would be resolved by creating the proposed on-road Greenway. The GSC noted the project's west side has a net increase of 20 trees, which is nearly a 50% increase. Per the request of the GSC, Mr. Bibeau agreed to provide a PowerPoint presentation at the October 2, 2007 HEPB meeting.
V. Review of Miami River Greenway Riverwalk Cross Section – Mr. Bibeau noted he and Ms. Priscilla Morales, Miami-Dade Public Works Department, had recently conducted a site visit of the County owned 2 nd Ave Bridge's south shore riverwalk, which the County will be improving use their GOB bond funding. While visiting the site, they inspected the needed connection to the “Latitude on the River” development's publicly accessible riverwalk, located immediately to the east. Mr. Bibeau reminded the GSC that over a month ago, Miami City Commissioner Joe Sanchez had requested a meeting with him and the developer of “Latitude on the River” to address inconsistent riverwalk dimensions and the site's lack of connectivity as approved by the City Commission to the adjacent development “Neo Vertika” and the NW 2 nd Avenue Bridge. Mr. Bibeau noted the City Commission-approved riverwalk renditions for the aforementioned riverfront development are wider than the as-built riverwalk. Mr. Bibeau added that the approved MUSP provided connectivity to adjacent riverwalk sections, but the as-built sections failed to connect to the 2 nd Ave Bridge. Mr. Bibeau noted that, during the meeting with Commissioner Sanchez, the developer of “Latitude on the River” seemed somewhat willing to provide a riverwalk connection to the NW 2 nd Avenue Bridge by installing a 6-foot cantilevered bridge. Mr. Bibeau noted that when he had recommended a 16-foot wide (consistent with the Miami River Greenway Action Plan) cantilevered bridge instead over the developer owned submerged land, Mr. Steve Gelb, E.A. Fish, indicated he would consider it, yet it maybe more difficult to obtain a permit for a wider bridge. The GSC directed MRC staff to continue advocating for the Riverwalk dimensions as approved for the projects by the City Commission. Ms. Morales noted the county remains committed to assisting the developer obtain necessary permits in order to establish riverwalk connections, yet the developer needs to be agreeable to making the aforementioned changes. Dr. Martin directed Mr. Bibeau and Mr. Robert Weinreb , City of Miami , to follow-up with the developer. Mr. Bibeau explained that the MRC is simply an advisory board, and considering the numerous times this issue has been pointed out to the City of Miami , he suggested Mr. Weinreb-on behalf of the city- follow up on this important issue. Mr. Weinreb noted the City Manager has taken a special interest in the matter, and is therefore requesting a meeting with county representatives and the MRC.
Mr. Bibeau pinpointed the following riverwalk “gaps”:
- The developer of “Neo Vertika” has removed the county-owned fence which blocked direct access to the M-Path, yet was not planning to perform shoreline repair, which may have incorporated some solutions to provide improved riverwalk connectivity with adjacent parcels. Mr. Bibeau therefore suggested a 22-foot-wide riverwalk (with seawall) to provide connectivity to the County owned parcel where the County will construct a riverwalk beneath the Metro Rail.
- The rusted seawall in disrepair at SW 1 st Court , parallel to MetroRail along the river's edge, is at risk of falling into the river. The seawall was previously owned by FP & L, whom then transferred the property to Neo Vertika. Mr. Bibeau noted that, according to the city code, the owners of the aforementioned property are responsible to make necessary seawall repairs. If not, Mr. Bibeau added that the city code allows the City to perform the seawall repairs and forward the bill to the property owner.
- North shore east of the MetroRail, adjacent to 3,000 unit, 7 building mixed-use project, formerly known as “Riverfront East and West;” Mr. Bibeau noted City of Miami Commissioner Marc Sarnoff planned to address the City Commission approved riverwalk connections beneath the South Miami Avenue Bridge and the MetroRail, including the 50 foot building setback and 16 foot wide unobstructed publicly accessible riverwalk as part of his district agenda item at the September 27 City Commission meeting.
- Mr. Bibeau noted he has scheduled a meeting on September 18 with a Miami-Dade Transit representative regarding fence relocations to establish a riverwalk connection on the river's south shore, adjacent to the 5 th Street Metro mover station and proceeding east to “Brickell on the River.”
MRC staff distributed copies of the “ Terrazas River Park Village ” and “River Oaks” projects City approved cross sections. MRC staff noted the areas depict publicly accessible riverwalk areas, yet MRC staff is unable to determine if the area includes the approved 16 foot unobstructed riverwalk pedestrian paths dimensions. Therefore Chair Martin directed MRC staff to contact the project developers to obtain verification that the pledged 16 foot unobstructed riverwalk will be included within the larger grand total Riverwalk area depicted on the renditions.
VI. Discussion of Greenway Connectors Needed on County-Owned Property on North Shore Beneath the South Miami Avenue Bridge & Metro-Rail, South Shore Beneath the Metro-Rail, Metro-Mover, and SW 2 Ave Bridge – Dr. Martin welcomed Ms. Priscilla Morales, Ms. Jacqueline Alcina and Mr. Jeff Cohen, Miami-Dade Public Works, and provided a brief overview of the Miami River Greenway Action Plan. Ms. Morales noted the Miami-Dade County 's Public Works Department received the approved $7.5 million Miami River Greenway line item in the County's General Obligation Bond issue to construct a publicly accessible riverwalk on 6 county-owned riverfront parcels. Ms. Morales noted there is a nine-month process associated with the project (from the appointment of a committee to select a consultant to the actual public involvement workshops). Ms. Morales explained that, as part of the project, riverwalk connector sections would be constructed in order to provide a continuous Greenway system from east to west.
Mr. Bibeau noted Ms. Priscilla Morales and several Miami-Dade County representatives had attended the July 26 American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) Miami River boat tour.
Mr. Bibeau distributed copies of a September 6, 2007 letter from Miami-Dade County Assistant Director Gaspar Miranda to Mr. Roger Hernstadt, Office of the City Manager, in reference to a Miami River Greenway design competition, an August 7, 2007 from Garren Owens, Associate Chair of the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) to Mr. Brett Bibeau, and a Miami-Dade County Public Works Department Highway Division Engineer's Opinion of Probable Construction Costs for the City of Miami Lummus Park Riverwalk. In the September 6, 2007 letter, Mr. Miranda notes that the ASLA recently approached the County to endorse a design competition for the Miami River Greenway focused on two vacant parcels on the banks of the Miami River: The first parcel is county-owned and adjacent to the Water & Sewer Department Pump Station, and the second parcel is part of the City of Miami's Lummus Park parcel, adjacent to the county-owned parcel. According to Mr. Miranda, the “ASLA requested that the County approach the City about partnering in the design competition to provide continuity to the proposed riverwalk. The purpose of this competition is for area schools and universities to compete for master plan design of a shared-use bicycle and pedestrian facility in conformance with the Miami River Greenway Design Standards & Guidelines. The county intends to use the master plan by the winning contestant as the basis for the design and construction of the Riverwalk Project. The County has appropriated funds for construction of this project on county-owned properties; however, if the City agrees to endorse the competition, the City would need to agree to fund the design and construction of the improvement to the City's parcel estimated at $250,000.” Ms. Morales noted she had requested surveys of the aforementioned parcels, which she expected to receive before the end of this month and would provide per Mr. Weinreb's request. Mr. Bibeau noted City Commissioner Michelle Spence-Jones is supportive of a 20-22 foot-wide riverwalk at Lummus Landing, which is consistent with the City of Miami 's Comprehensive Plan.
Ms. Morales provided a timeline for the entire master plan:
- May 2008-design/engineering documents completed
- December 2008-permitting completed
- October 2009-award project to consultant
- March 2010-project construction completion
VII. Discussion of Grant Opportunities- MRC staff distributed a potential grant opportunity, the “Corporation for National and Community Service Grant,” but noted that since the MRC was not a regional entity, it could not apply. Dr. Martin therefore suggested discussing this potential grant opportunity with Ms. Audrey Ordenes, The Trust for Public Land .
Mr. Bibeau noted a Florida Department of Environmental Protections (FDEP) Recreational Trails Program (RTP) grant opportunity. Mr. Bibeau stated his previous grant application to the FDEP RTP was awarded $100,000, and he recommended the new application due in February 2008 be for the maximum $200,000 award to create a riverwalk section in Lummus Park . Mr. Bibeau noted the City of Miami is an eligible applicant, and added that since the City of Miami owns Lummus Park , it would be easier through the grant, permitting, and riverwalk development process if the grant was awarded directly to the City of Miami . Dr. Martin suggested notifying Miami City Commissioner Michelle Spence-Jones of the potential grant opportunity and forwarding it to Mr. Robert Ruano , Director of the City of Miami Grants Department.
VIII. New Business – MRC staff distributed a summary of the University of Miami's Waterfront study which will include the Miami River Greenway up to I-95 entitled, “UM School of Architecture to Launch a School Wide Study of Miami Waterfront – Semester Long project to involve more than 300 students”
The GSC confirmed their next regularly scheduled second Wednesday of the month meeting on October 10, 2007 , 2 PM .
The meeting adjourned.
September 12, 2007 | THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT
The Miami River Commission's (MRC) Greenways Subcommittee (GSC) met as regularly scheduled on the second Wednesday of the month, September 12, 2007, 2:00 PM, 1407 NW 7 ST, Robert King High New Board Room. Dr. Ernie Martin chaired the meeting. The attendance sheet is enclosed.
I. Presentation of City of Miami Parks Master Plan- Dr. Ernie Martin , Chair of the MRC' Greenways Subcommittee (GSC), welcomed Ms. Lara de Souza, City of Miami Department of Parks & Recreation, whom presented the City of Miami adopted “A Vision for Miami Parks & Public Spaces” created by Goody Clancy. Ms. De Souza distributed a powerpoint presentation pertaining to the Parks Master Plan including:
- “The Riverwalk and Miami River Greenway”
- “Major Parks from Linked Park Clusters”
- “Make Access Real Through Strong Connections”
- “Make Miami 's Parks System the Country's Greenest and Most Sustainable”
- “Make Lots of Friends: Enhance Community Participation and Partnerships”
Dr. Martin noted he serves on the board of the City of Miami Planning Advisory Board , whom had previously recommended approval of the Miami Parks & Public Spaces Master Plan. Dr. Martin provided a brief overview of the City of Miami and Miami River Commission - adopted Miami River Greenway Action Plan .
Ms. De Souza provided an overview of goals for the Miami Parks & Public Spaces Master Plan:
- Indentify connections and sharing of public spaces
- Promote a walkable, bikeable, kayakable community
- Enhance blueways and greenways
- No net loss of any current park space/land
- Increase safety
- Allow more passive and active recreation
- More pocket parks
- City of Miami Parks Department supports the implementation and vision of the Miami River Greenway Action Plan
The GSC discussed the following riverfront Parks with Ms. De Souza:
Lummus Park - Ms. De Souza stated within a couple weeks the City of Miami will install benches, sod and an irrigation system on the Riverfront portion of Lummus Park otherwise known as Lummus Landing. City will then host an event to commemorate the history of Lummus Park and Lummus Landing. Ms. Ashley Chase, MRC Assistant Managing Director, suggested utilizing that opportunity to unveil the two Miami River Greenway historic markers, created by the MRC thanks to a $25,000 grant from the Villagers, Inc., for the 1844 Fort Dallas and the 1856 Wagner Homestead.
Jose Marti Park – Mr. Kevin Brown stated the planned and funded Miami River Greenway Section G will enter the south east side of the park and then proceed as a riverwalk beneath I-95 to connect with the existing riverwalk near the park's pool. Mr. Brown asked Ms. De Souza if the City is still considering placing a skate park facility beneath I-95 just upland of the planned and funded riverwalk which is about to break ground, aand she replied it remains under consideration. Ms. De Souza stated the indoor Gym the City is building in Jose Marti Park will be completed by the 2008 summer.
Sewell Park – The GSC noted the City Commission MUSP for the adjacent Terrazas River Park Village included a gate in the fence to allow public access along the Terrazas riverwalk when Sewell Park is open. The GSC noted sections of the existing asphault path around Sewell Park is in disrepair, and should be either removed or repaired. Mr. Bibeau asked for the status of creating a canoe/kayak launch and public restrooms, and Ms. De Souza agreed to provide that information; The GSC noted there is one fence around the entire fence, yet when the park is open there is a second fence which blocks public access to a significant portion of the aprk which the MRC recommends removal of along with public access at the adjacent historic limestone caves across the South South River Drive, which is owned by the Miccosukkee.
Curtis Park – Ms. De Souza stated the Curtis Park pool which had only been opened during the summer will be open year round and a water heater will be installed for use during winters.
Fern Isle Park (south shore of South Fork ) – Ms. De Souza stated construction will commence on the cleared site. The GSC commended the City for removing the significant debris which had accumulated within the western portion of Fern Isle, and recommended the park improvements include a riverwalk along the extended South Fork waterfront.
Ms. De Souza and the GSC discussed the Parks Master Plan recommended “Central Park” atmosphere via a navigational and pedestrian connection between the Curtis Park, Sewell Park, Fern Isle Park, and the City's recently acuired park site on the opposite side of the South Fork from Fern Isle Park. Ms. De Souza reported the City of Miami is planning on clearing the site, and installing a dock for kayaking; Dr Martin noted the MRC recommended replacing the Tamiami Swing Bridge and using the current historic bridge structure as a pedestrian bridge over the South Fork to connect Fern Isle Park and with the new Park exetnsion on the north shore of the South Fork.
Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, noted the MRC's Urban Infill Working Group had received a presentation regarding plans for the preservation of the historic East Coast Fisheries, and a new adjacent multi restaurant development entitled “East Coast Fisheries”. Mr. Bibeau noted the potential developers offered to essentially create a riverfront pocket park on the unimproved City of Miami owned public right of way between the Flagler Bridge and the East Coast Fisheries. In addition, the FDOT owned riverfront public right of way beneath the adjacent 1 st ST Bridge is ideal for a riverfront pocket park adjacent to a section of the on-road Miami River Greenway currently under construction along North River Drive .
Ms de Souza stated the City had created a new park facility on North River Drive and NW 19 Ave, called Unity Park , which is equipped with a playground.
II. Discuss Future Miami River Greenway Governance – Dr. Martin noted Miami City Commissioner Marc Sarnoff had discussed the future governance of the Miami River Greenway at the September 27 City Commission hearing. Mr. Bibeau noted that subsequent to this discussion, Mr. Roger Hernstadt, Assistant City Manager, had requested a meeting with Mr. Bibeau to discuss this ongoing issue on Tuesday, October 19, 9 am, with Mr. Orlando Toledo and Ms. Ana Gelabert, City of Miami Planning Department, Mr. Robert Weinreb , Office of the City Manager and Mr. Ron Nelson, Office of Commissioner Sarnoff, MRC GSC Chair Dr. Martin and Ms. Chase.
III. Status of Miami River Greenway Historic Markers – Ms. Ashley Chase, MRC Managing Director, noted that after Mr. Bibeau discovered that the left vertical border of the frame for the “E.G. Sewell Memorial Park” historic marker at Sewell Park had mysteriously fallen - leaving the porcelain enamel panel exposed - she immediately emailed Mr. Bryan Vasser, Baron Sign Manufacturing reminding him of the guarantee and warranty guidelines of the Miami River Greenways Historical Markers Contract: Section “the contractor will provide full guarantee of all workmanship, materials, equipment, etc. of this installation for a period of five years after owner acceptance. Contractor shall replace/repair any defective work within an agreed upon timeframe after notification by owner, throughout the duration of this period.” (3.2, Task 7, and Section 3.3, Task 7). Ms. Chase added that on behalf of the Miami River Commission, she respectfully requested that the historic marker be repaired as soon as possible to avoid any potential future damage, yet the manufacturers replied they would bill the MRC to repair the marker if the damage was caused by others, i.e. vandals, etc. Mr. Bibeau noted he had contacted Mr. Chris Rogers, Yazi, whom had agreed to inspect the sign and provide his opinion regarding the cause of the damage, before Baron Signs visits the site. Ms. Chase suggested that in the meantime, MRC staff should email Mr. Vasser pictures of the marker's current condition.
IV. Discuss Status of Miami River Greenway Development – Mr. Kevin Brown , Consul-Tech / City of Miami Capital Improvement , provided the status on the City's construction of the following Miami River Greenway sections:
Segment B (NW North River Drive, NW 2 nd ST to Flagler ST) & Segment C (NW North River Drive, Flagler to Miami Riverside Center's Riverwalk / existing riverwalk beneath I-95) – Landscaping will be performed within two weeks and resurfacing will be completed within two weeks; expected completion of project is one to two months. Mr. Bibeau noted the MRC had recently purchased 133 new schieflera trinettes, which University of Miami volunteers planted to re-landscape where the smaller type of plants had failed. The GSC recommended using more schiflerra trinettes which seem to require less maintenance and grow better in the previously completed City sections of on-road greenway, rather than the smaller plants used in portions of the previously constructed Greenway sections. Mr. Brown noted FP & L has yet to install lighting in decorative lighting on the on-road greenway finished over a year ago along North River Drive , yet he planned to address this item with an FP & L representative at a meeting scheduled for tomorrow. Discussion of on-road greenway connection under I-95 through the Miami Riverside Center parking lot, as well as the possibility of extending the riverwalk further west through the professional commercial fishing business site they lease to Garcia's, is still ongoing because they are considering an office development on the site which would include a publicly accessible riverwalk. Mr. Brown noted the city continues to express concern regarding creating a tunnel effect, yet has agreed to construct a sidewalk type connection. Mr. Bibeau asked if the parking facility would remain open on the weekends to provide a continuous publicly accessible Miami River Greenway route, and Mr. Brown replied no.
Segment G (José Martí Park Riverwalk east beneath I-95, south along SW 3 Ave, east along SW 6 ST to SW 2 nd Avenue Bridge)- paperwork for the purchase order is being processed and should be completed within two weeks, therefore construction will commence this month; City intends to have Segment G and gymnasium completed simultaneously by summer 2008.
North Spring Garden Greenway Project - Mr. Brown noted a meeting between the CIP Department and the Planning Director to discuss the project had been rescheduled. Mr. Bibeau asked who is currently providing the match for the FDOT grant, and Mr. Brown agreed to obtain that information. Dr. Martin stated the Spring Garden Civic Association is collecting petition signatures from the majority of property owners adjacent to the “North Spring Garden Greenway” route to present during the Historic and Environmental Preservation Board's deferred hearing. Dr. Martin stated the historic flooding of the City owned North River Drive within Spring Garden will be fixed by the Greenway project. Dr. Martin stated a Mercedes recently reported $3,000 of damage caused in recent flooding in the subject area. Dr. Martin commended Mr. Bibeau for taking 5 hours on a recent Saturday to meet with Spring Garden residents, and noted he was able to answer several questions and resolve some of the concerns.
Segment D, “Little Havana Greenway”, South River Drive NW 1 ST to the NW 5 ST Bridge – Mr. Brown stated he had submitted the paperwork for the LAP agreement required for the awarded $1,000,000 FDOT grant for both design and construction.
V. Review of Miami River Greenway Riverwalk Cross Section – MRC staff distributed copies of the following:
Miami River Development Riverwalk Cross Sections
October 10, 2007 Review
Per the request of the Miami River Commission (MRC), the City of Miami Planning Department and the City of Miami Building Department are continuing to provide MRC staff with the approved plans, dimensions / cross sections for publicly accessible riverwalk sections proposed or already constructed at Miami River development projects. Per the direction of the MRC's Greenways Subcommittee (GSC), two sets of received approved publicly accessible riverwalk cross sections will be reviewed during each monthly public noticed GSC meeting. For your consideration during the October 10, 2007 GSC meeting, please find the following summaries of the approved plans for “Epic” and “Reflections on the Miami River.”
“Epic” (former Dupont Plaza site and former City of Miami Application titled “Miami Hotel and Residences”, 300 Biscayne Boulevard Way, east of the Brickell Avenue Bridge on the River's north shore)
City of Miami Office of Hearing Boards Approved MUSP Rendition of Riverwalk, “Riverwalk Plan Enlargement”, “Riverwalk Cross Section”, (Sheet Number LA-3) created by Revuelta Vega Leon P.A. for the project entitled “Miami Condominium – Hotel” – Renditions depict and state min. 16-foot-wide unobstructed pedestrian path with an additional min. 4 feet of passive zone for landscaping, decorative lighting, etc. are included along entire length of the publicly accessible riverwalk as recommended by the Miami River Greenway Action Plan . The City Charter requires a 50-foot setback for new developments along the Miami River to the east of the Fifth Street Bridge , unless the parcel is less than 200 feet wide, as is the presented development site. Therefore, the City Charter requires a minimum waterfront building setback equal to 25% of the property depth, which in this case equates to a 41-foot required setback. Although the project's average riverfront building setback was 41-feet, the project will require a waiver to the charter setback requirement, because sections of the building have a setback less than 41-feet. The City Commission approved a waiver, reducing the required setback. MRC staff is unable to determine if the City Commission approved building setback from the riverfront is depicted in the rendition, or is being provided in the current state of construction. The rendition depicts an additional area slightly elevated from the riverwalk for “outdoor dinning” and a slightly lowered additional dock area (unable to determine additional dock width).
Presented to MRC on February 2, 2004 and the Urban Infill Working Group on November 18, 2003 ; Items of interest during both meetings:
- The November 18, 2003 approved UIWG meeting minutes state the proposed project is not compatible with the Miami River Greenway Action Plan , as it “does not provide the minimum clear unobstructed pedestrian path width of 16 feet (11 feet provided) nor the City Charter required 41-foot building setback (20 feet provided).”
- The February 2, 2004 approved MRC meeting minutes state: “Luis O. Revuelta, Revuelta Vega Leon Architects, architect for the proposed project stated…The publicly accessible 22-foot wide riverwalk would consist of a 16-foot wide unobstructed pedestrian path and 6 feet of landscaping, lighting, etc. The riverwalk will connect beneath the Brickell Bridge to the existing riverwalk at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. The City has requested that the potential developers meet with the “One Miami” development, which has broken ground immediately east of the Dupont site, to ensure cohesiveness in the riverwalk's materials and design. The parking structure that will face the river will be facaded with residential loft units. The City Charter requires a 50-foot setback for new developments along the Miami River to the east of the Fifth Street Bridge , unless the parcel is less than 200 feet wide, as is the presented development site. Therefore, the City Charter requires a minimum setback equal to 25% of the property depth, which in this case equates to a 41-foot required setback. Mr. Revuelta stated although the project's average setback was 41-feet, the project will require a waiver to the charter setback requirement, because sections of the building have a setback less than 41-feet. Steve Lefton, Kimley-Horn and Associates, presented the landscape design of the project, including planters along the riverwalk and waterfall fountains. Mr. Lefton stated the project will provide the minimum clear unobstructed riverwalk pedestrian path width of 16-feet, in some areas it will be wider, with planters along the outside of the pedestrian walkway, and in some areas a sheer water wall.”
- The February 2, 2004 approved MRC meeting minutes state: “Dr. Ernie Martin noted that with the exception of the narrow “claughton tract” parcel existing between the Dupont Plaza and One Miami, the project was now consistent with the Miami River Greenway Action Plan . Ms. Pardo stated that the proposed developer has a 50-year lease on the “claughton tract” and they will be responsible for building the riverwalk on that property to directly connect with the adjacent “One Miami” riverwalk section. Mr. Bunnell asked if the “claughton tract” was depicted in the renderings presented to the MRC, and Pardo replied that the parcel in question is depicted on the renderings with the proposed riverwalk. Dr. Martin moved to have the riverwalk design, including the “Claughton Tract”, recommended for approval. Ms. McAliley seconded the motion, which was unanimously adopted.”
- The February 2, 2004 approved MRC meeting minutes state, “ Mr. Eddie Rodriguez asked if the project would include the rebuilding of the existing dock space along the seawall. Revuelta responded that they will replace the existing dockage to the same existing 5-foot dimensions…Revuelta noted the 800-feet of linear dock space will be accessible to both the general public and the property owners.”
Issues for follow up :
- Confirm City Commission approved riverfront building setback is being provided
- Confirm City Commission approved riverwalk dimensions, including a minimum 20 foot riverwalk consisting of a minimum 16 foot wide unobstructed pedestrian path and a minimum 4 foot passive zone for landscaping, decorative lighting, etc.
- Epic riverwalk has an elevation of +8 NGV. What is the elevation of adjacent One Miami riverwalk and how will the two sections come together?
- Sales Center Building on Phase II will block riverwalk connection to One Miami
“Reflections on the Miami River” (201-261 SW 6 th Street, immediately west of the 2 nd Avenue Bridge, east of I-95 and directly across from the City of Miami Administration Building on the river's north shore)
“City of Miami Office of Hearing Boards Plans Review” document signed by City of Miami Planning Department on 4/14/05 and Public Works Department on 5/20/05 –Planning Department renditions/Landscape Plan include a 50-foot building setback from the riverfront. MRC staff is unable to determine if the dimensions within the area marked as “riverwalk” contains the pledged min. 20 foot wide area consisting of a min. 16-foot-wide unobstructed pedestrian path and additional min. 4 feet wide passive zone for landscaping, decorative lighting, benches, etc. A “continuation of riverwalk on adjacent property” is illustrated twice in Landscape Plan (towards the existing two story building to the west with minimum setbacks and beneath the 2 nd Avenue Bridge to the east) On May 20, 2005, Mr. Leonard Helmers, City of Miami Public Works , wrote the following comment in the Planning Department renditions that “Development of the Greenway Cross Section for SW 6 th Street subject to review and approval of the Public Works Department.” Stairs are depicted on 1 st bridge connection to SW 2 nd Ave , is there a ramp as well?
Presented to MRC on September 13, 2004 and the Urban Infill Working Group on July 13, 2004 ; Items of interest during both meetings:
- The July 13, 2004 approved UIWG meeting minutes state, “Reflections on the Miami River” is found to be consistent with the Miami River Greenway Action Plan , in that it provides a publicly accessible riverwalk, with a minimum width of 20 feet, consisting of a minimum 16-foot wide unobstructed pedestrian path, and an additional 4 feet of landscaping, lighting and other amenities. In addition, the proposed project features a fifty-foot setback from the Miami River , and an on-road greenway section along SW 6 ST.”
- The September 13, 2004 approved MRC meeting minutes state, “Mr. Michael Proto, (reflections on the River) project architect, noted the covered arcade space will be publicly accessible 24 hours a day, connecting the SW 6 Street scape to the publicly accessible riverwalk…The riverwalk maintains an unobstructed 16-foot wide pedestrian path, connecting to existing riverwalk, which proceeds to the west beneath the new SW 2 nd Ave Bridge. The Riverwalk features a bridge over the rear portion of the sites existing water slip.”
- The September 13, 2004 approved MRC meeting minutes state, “Commissioner Barreiro and McAliley asked about the riverwalk bridge over the sites boat slip, and the riverwalk connectivity to the west, and the presenters replied the western terminus of the site is owned by a different property owner, yet there project provided for the opportunity for riverwalk connectivity to the west in the future.”
- The September 13, 2004 approved MRC meeting minutes state, “Ms. Bague asked how the project's public accessible riverwalk would connect to Jose Marti Park , and Velazquez replied it would connect to an on-road Greenway facility along SW 6 ST and SW 3 rd Ave. into the park. Dr. Martin and Mr. Lefton stated the site will have the Miami River Greenway on three sides.”
Additional Issues :
- Ensure that the pledged min. 20 foot wide riverwalk area consists of a min. 16-foot-wide unobstructed pedestrian path and additional min. 4 feet wide passive zone for landscaping, decorative lighting, benches, etc.
- Extending the publicly accessible riverwalk in the future to provide connectivity to neighboring parcels
- Riverwalk elevation 5'6” – what is the elevation of riverwalk beneath the SW 2 Ave Bridge?
- Stairs are depicted on 1 st bridge connection to SW 2 nd Ave , is there a ramp as well?
VI. Discussion of Greenway Connectors Needed on County owned North Shore Beneath the South Miami Avenue Bridge, Metro-Rail, and WASD Pump Station and the South Shore Beneath the Metro-Rail, Metro-Mover, and SW 2 Ave Bridge – Mr. Bibeau noted the Miami-Dade Public Works Department is moving forward with the process to construct publicly accessible riverwalks at these county-owned parcels with County bond funding.
VII. New Business – Mr. Bibeau noted the next MRC coordinated and funded volunteer clean up event of City owned on-road Greenway sections will take place during the University of Miami's “Hurricanes Help the Hometown” on October 27, 2007.
The GSC confirmed their next regularly scheduled second Wednesday of the month meeting on November 14, 2007, 2 PM .
The meeting adjourned. |
October 10, 2007 | THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT
The Miami River Commission's (MRC) Greenways Subcommittee (GSC) met as regularly scheduled on the second Wednesday of the month, October 10, 2007, 2:00 PM, 1407 NW 7 ST, Robert King High New Board Room. Dr. Ernie Martin chaired the meeting. The attendance sheet is enclosed.
I. Discuss Future Miami River Greenway Governance – Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, noted MRC staff had met with Mr. Roger Hernstadt, Assistant City Manager, Mr. Orlando Toledo and Ms. Ana Gelabert, City of Miami Planning Department, Mr. Robert Weinreb, Office of the City Manager and Mr. Ron Nelson, Office of Commissioner Sarnoff, on Tuesday, October 19, 9 am to address ongoing greenway governance issues (i.e. review of cross sections for publicly accessible riverwalks proposed or already constructed at Miami River development projects). Mr. Bibeau stated Mr. Hernstadt had directed the city administration to write Miami River developers regarding their proposed riverwalk dimensions, and requesting that any potential riverwalk inconsistencies be corrected to reflect the previously city-approved dimensions on file. Mr. Bibeau noted MRC staff has yet to receive copies of the aforementioned draft letters, which the city had agreed to provide. Mr. Bibeau added that Mr. Hernstadt has requested to conduct similar quarterly meetings regarding the Greenway with city and MRC staff, adding that the next quarterly meeting will most likely be held in January 2008. Mr. Bibeau noted Ms. Lori Billberry requested a meeting with Dr. Ernie Martin and MRC staff on Monday, November 26. Similarly, City of Miami Commissioner Michelle Spence-Jones has recently requested a meeting on Tuesday, November 27.
II. Status of Miami River Greenway Historic Markers – Dr. Martin noted the Spring Garden Civic Association (SGCA) had recently passed a resolution to convene a party/reception for former Wimbeldon tennis champion and long-time Spring Garden resident Gardner Malloy in celebration of his 94th birthday. Dr. Martin noted the event is also aimed at raising money to crate an additional Spring Garden Greenway historic marker. Ms. Ashley Chase, MRC Assistant Managing Director, agreed to email Dr. Martin the “Miami River Greenway Historical Marker Specifications,” so that he may forward the document to the SGCA. Mr. Bibeau noted the firm whom the MRC had contracted, Baron Sign Manufacturing, for the construction, permitting and installation of the 6 Miami River Greenway historical markers had charged over $4,000 per sign. Mr. Bibeau asked who would administer the Spring Garden Historical Marker project, and Dr. Martin replied the SGCA was looking into different possibilities. Dr. Martin stated the residents would like to dedicate the Miami River Greenway section within Spring Garden to Gardner Malloy. Ms. Chase noted she had shared with Spring Garden resident Eileen Broton the possibility of the MRC partnering with the SGCA to host a reception to not only celebrate Mr. Malloy’s birthday, but unveil the installed “Alligator Joe” historic marker at Point Park while commemorating Spring Garden’s colorful past and future. Ms. Chase noted Ms. Broton seemed open to the suggestion.
Mr. Bibeau noted he had contacted Mr. Chris Rogers, Yazi, to inspect and provide his opinion of the left vertical border of the frame for the “E.G. Sewell Memorial Park” historic marker at Sewell Park which had mysteriously fallen, leaving the porcelain enamel panel exposed. Mr. Bibeau Mr. Rogers had emailed MRC staff indicating that after conducting a first inspection of the sign, be believed its damage was a result of vandalism-though it was hard for him to be absolutely sure. In the email, Mr. Rogers noted his biggest concern “is that the porcelain panel is now unsecured. It can be slid out the side of the frame, there are no fasteners holding it in place,” and had recommended “the removal of the porcelain panel until the frame can be repaired.” Mr. Bibeau added Mr. Rogers had emailed photos of the damaged sign to Mr. Bryan Vasser, Baron Sign Manufacturing, and requested Mr. Vasser to contact him to discuss. Per the directive of Dr. Martin, Mr. Bibeau agreed to alert the City of Miami Parks and Public Works Department of the marker’s status. The GSC mentioned that the City of Miami Parks Department, to their knowledge, is responsible for the sign’s maintenance since it is located within a City of Miami park.
The GSC discussed the possibility of utilizing the City of Miami-owned kiosk along South River Drive as a community bulletin board, notifying residents of upcoming neighborhood meetings and events, such as the free 12th Annual Miami Riverday festival, which will be held on Saturday, April 12, 2008. Per the directive of Dr. Martin, Mr. Bibeau agreed to contact the City of Miami Public Works Department to share this suggestion, request that they place the 12th Annual Miami Riverday festival poster (to be printed in late February/early March) in the kiosk, and provide a copy of the future Spring Garden kiosk’s keys to the SGCA president.
Mr. Bibeau noted he had recently provided Mr. Kevin Brown, Consul-Tech / City of Miami Capital Improvement, pictures of a Miami River Greenway wayfinding sign on North River Drive and SW 1 ST that had been damaged by graffiti. Mr. Bibeau stated he had contacted the sign manufacturer to inquire how the graffiti could be removed, and the manufacturer noted that a “lacquer thinner” could be used to remove the graffiti. Ms. Chase suggested contacting the City of Miami “Graffiti Buster,” which operate under the city’s NET office, to request the removal of the graffiti. Mr. Bibeau noted he would contact Mr. Pablo Canton, Director of the East Little Havana NET office, to obtain more information regarding the “Graffiti Busters.” The sign manufacturers informed Mr. Bibeau the subject wayfinding sign was one of the first phase, and didn’t have a clear protective coat therefore using the chemicals to remove the spray paint may damage the actual text, yet all future signs will have a protective clear coat.
Mr. Bibeau noted Mr. Brown had taken him on a site visit to review signage within the Greenway sections currently under construction. Mr. Brown noted all signs state “Miami River Greenway” therefore it is only necessary to point out other nearby attractions. Dr. Martin noted a few of the first phase wayfinding markers need to be corrected to show the Greenway arrows in both directions.
III. Discuss Status of Miami River Greenway Development – Mr. Bibeau stated the Department of State had submitted their grant application to the Florida Inland Navigation District (FIND) to fund half of the estimated $1.5 million Miami Circle seawall repair. Mr. Bibeau added the grant requires a $750,000 match, which has yet to be identified. Ms. Chase noted City Commissioner Marc Sarnoff had mentioned during his October 26, 2007 Miami-Dade Cable-TAP Television “Miami River Greenway” interview that he would spearhead the campaign to find the $750,000 match on behalf of the City of Miami. Per the directive of Dr. Martin, Mr. Bibeau agreed to arrange a meeting with Mr. Jorge Perez, president of the Related Group, to address the Related Group’s previous correspondence regarding the Miami Circle site which is adjacent to their Icon development currently under construction.
Mr. Bibeau stated the Department of State had received a letter from United States Coast Guard Captain Karl Schultz to Mr. Jere Lahey, State of Florida, stating, “The Coast Guard has received notice from the Army Corps of Engineers that they will be dredging in the vicinity of the collapsed seawall as early as August 2008…It is strongly recommended that the collapsed seawall be removed prior to the Army Corps dredging in the area.”
IV. Review of Miami River Greenway Riverwalk Cross Section – MRC staff distributed copies and reviewed the following:
Miami River Development Riverwalk Cross Sections
November 19, 2007 Review
Per the request of the Miami River Commission (MRC), the City of Miami Planning Department and the City of Miami Building Department are continuing to provide MRC staff with the approved plans, dimensions / cross sections for publicly accessible riverwalk sections proposed or already constructed at Miami River development projects. Per the direction of the MRC’s Greenways Subcommittee (GSC), two sets of received approved publicly accessible riverwalk cross sections will be reviewed during each monthly public noticed GSC meeting. For your consideration during the November 19, 2007 GSC meeting, please find the following summaries of the approved plans for “Brickell on the River” and “River’s Edge.”
“Brickell on the River” (31 SE 5th Street, located on the Miami River’s south shore between Metro-Mover “Fifth Street” Station and west of U.S. Customs)
“City of Miami Office of Hearing Boards Plans Review” document signed by City of Miami Building Department and Public Works Department 12/02 and City of Miami Planning Department on 11/25/02; Landscape Site Plan submitted by Bermello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc. for the project entitled “Brickell on the River” on 5/8/95- Planning Department Renditions/Landscape Site Plan include a 50-foot building setback from the riverfront (50-foot setback is also depicted in 5/3/01 plans submitted to MRC and Building Department plans) entitled “Riverwalk Area” which is east – west. In addition the rendition depicts 25-30 foot wide sideyards on both sides providing north south access to the east west riverwalk area.
MRC May 7, 2001 minutes Agenda Item II “Brickell on the River”
- Ms. Lucia Dougherty, Greenberg Traurig noted “the development was to be 60 stories and it has been reduced to 42 stories with a much better orientation o the River and a 50 foot setback from the River. There is a riverwalk, which is open to the public.”
- “Ms. Janet McAliley made a motion requesting that the developer enlarge the clear path riverwalk from 13 feet to 16 feet…Mr. Parks explained to Ms. Dougherty that the MRC’s support is conditioned on increasing the clear path of the riverwalk to 16 feet. The motion was amended by Jim Murley to include cleats for the boat tie-ups” The motion was unanimously adopted
Issues for follow up:
- A 16-foot wide riverwalk running east/west was completed at the site (Phase I – need to confirm width), yet the pedestrian paths running north/south on both sides of the property (portion of Phase II) need to connect the sidewalk on SE 5th Street to the publicly accessible riverwalk as depicted in the City Commission MUSP renditions.
- 50 foot building setback should be confirmed.
“River’s Edge”, 243 NW South River Drive, approved MUSP is yet to break ground (currently “La Coloma Marina,” east of the 5th Street Bridge on the river’s south shore)
“City of Miami Office of Hearing Boards Plans Review” document signed by City of Miami Planning Department on 11/4/06 and Public Works Department on 11/6/06 –Planning Department renditions include a minimum 20-foot-wide (varied) riverwalk. MRC staff is unable to determine if the dimensions within the area marked as “riverwalk” contains the pledged 16-foot-wide unobstructed pedestrian path and additional min. 4 feet wide passive zone for landscaping, decorative lighting, benches, etc.
Urban Infill Working Group (UIWG), October 20, 2006, minutes
- Mr. Robert Behar, Behar, Font & Associates, noted “4 shallow boat slips will be filled to accommodate a publicly accessible riverwalk/open space along the waterfront with no barriers/obstructions on either side of the property.”
- “The UIWG reviewed the presented rendition of the riverwalk cross section, depicting a total 15.5 foot wide riverwalk area, and inquired what the breakdown is between the unobstructed pedestrian path and passive zones. Mr. Behar replied they would revise their proposal to accommodate the Miami River Greenway Action Plan’s recommended dimensions of a 20 foot wide publicly accessible riverwalk area, consisting of the 16-foot wide unobstructed pedestrian path and 4- foot passive zone, featuring the landscaping, decorative lighting, benches, etc.”
- “Mr. Bibeau noted the project rendition included the site’s adjacent Miami-Dade Water & Sewer Department owned riverfront utility easement to the south, and depicting new landscaping in a publicly accessible green space. Mr. Bibeau stated in partnership with Miami-Dade County and “Hands on Miami Day” volunteers this site is scheduled to become a pocket park, with additional landscaping, on November 4, 2006, as recommended, coordinated and funded by the MRC. Mr. Bibeau asked since the County owned site was incorporated into the proposed project rendition, is the potential developer & following condo association considering providing ownership and/or maintenance of the newly created park. Mr. Ferro replied they would consider it.”
- “Dr. Martin asked if the riverwalk connected with the sidewalk / on-road greenway area, and Mr. Behar showed on the rendition how the riverwalk connects on the south, middle and north with the sidewalk / on-road Greenway area.”
- “Dr. Martin, Chair of the MRC’s Greenways Subcommittee, stated if the land use and zoning amendments are approved, he recommended the MRC find the proposed development to be consistent with the Miami River Greenway Action Plan, subject to: widening the proposed [15.5- foot] riverwalk to a minimum 20 feet, consisting of a 16-foot-wide unobstructed pedestrian path and a 4 feet wide passive zone featuring landscaping, decorative lighting, benches, etc. and providing a covenant guaranteeing the pledged public access to the riverwalk/pedestrian path in perpetuity.”
- “Mr. Ferro added in addition to the marina, customers of the proposed restaurants may arrive by recreational vessel and dock temporarily.”
MRC November 6, 2006 minutes state:
- “Mr. Ferro added the developer intends to improve the current marina and 3 or 4 shallow boat slips will be filled to accommodate a publicly accessible riverwalk/open space along the waterfront with no barriers/obstructions on either side of the property.”
- “Mr. Behar noted the riverfront parcel will consist of a minimum 20 foot wide publicly accessible riverwalk, including a minimum 16 foot wide unobstructed pedestrian path..,”
- “Dr. Martin added if the land use and zoning are amended, then the revised 20-foot wide publicly accessible riverwalk, featuring a minimum 16-foot wide unobstructed pedestrian path greenway would be consistent with the Miami River Greenway Action Plan. Dr. Martin added he recommends a covenant guaranteeing the pledged public access to the riverwalk/ pedestrian path in perpetuity.”
- “Mr. Behar noted the 20-foot-wide publicly accessible riverwalk recommendation has since been incorporated. Mr. Behar added that, in order to construct the recommended riverwalk, several boat slips along the riverfront would need to be filled.”
- “…Mr. Lofgren replied the Haul-out slip would be filled to accommodate the proposed riverwalk.”
- “Mr. Robert Ruano made a motion finding “River’s Edge” consistent with the Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan’s intent for the “lower river”. The motion was seconded by Mr. Dana Nottingham and passed 6-4.”
Additional Issues:
- Ensure that the pledged min. 20 foot wide riverwalk area consists of a min. 16-foot-wide unobstructed pedestrian path and additional min. 4 feet wide passive zone for landscaping, decorative lighting, benches, etc.
- Developer providing a covenant guaranteeing the pledged public access to the riverwalk / pedestrian path in perpetuity
Mr. Bibeau stated that upon his recent inspection of “Brickell on the River,” he noted a tiered 50-foot setback had been provided. Mr. Bibeau added however, that the previously pledged 16-foot-wide unobstructed pedestrian path/riverwalk was actually only 13 feet wide, upon measurement. Mr. Bibeau explained the pedestrian paths running north/south on both sides of the property (portion of Phase II of “Brickell on the River”) need to connect to the sidewalk on SE 5th Street to the publicly accessible riverwalk as depicted in the City Commission MUSP renditions. Mr. Bibeau noted the sidewalk needs to connect to the on-road 5th Street greenway along the east side of the property. Mr. Bibeau added that the sidewalk is under construction along the west side of the property. Dr. Martin asked if the areas had been paved, and Mr. Bibeau replied that the area consisted of two paved travel lanes. Per the directive of Dr. Martin, Mr. Bibeau agreed to update the city on the status of this project at the next quarterly meeting.
Mr. Bibeau noted the issues pertaining to “River’s Edge,” include: Ensuring that the pledged min. 20 foot wide riverwalk area consists of a min. 16-foot-wide unobstructed pedestrian path and additional min. 4 feet wide passive zone for landscaping, decorative lighting, benches, etc.; and determining the status of the developer providing a covenant guaranteeing the pledged public access to the riverwalk / pedestrian path in perpetuity.
Mr. Bibeau noted that, per the request of Dr. Martin, he had attended a preliminary meeting with a sales representative from “River Oaks” to discuss the status of the previously pledged 16-foot-wide publicly accessible riverwalk (now under construction), on-road greenway connectors, and on-site ADA compliance. Mr. Bibeau stated they had agreed to a follow up meeting to further review potentially non-ADA consistent public paths connecting the riverwalk with the on-road greenway. In addition Mr. Bibeau is scheduleding a site visit with the developers of Terrazas Riverpark Village as directed by Greenways Chair Dr. Martin.
V. Discussion of Greenway Connectors Needed on County owned North Shore Beneath the South Miami Avenue Bridge, Metro-Rail, and WASD Pump Station and the South Shore Beneath the Metro-Rail, Metro-Mover, and SW 2 Ave Bridge – Mr. Bibeau noted the Miami-Dade Public Works Department had recently completed its survey of some of the county-owned parcels where publicly accessible riverwalks will be constructed with County bond funding. Mr. Bibeau added the survey was forwarded to EDAW for use in its riverwalk design competition for the shoreline at the pump station.
Dr. Martin asked for the status of the Miami-Dade Water & Sewer Department (WASD) Pump Station parking site. Mr. Bibeau noted the issue of allowing public parking on the currently vacant parking lot adjacent to the WASD pump station continues to make progress. Mr. Bibeau stated the County Attorney was assigned the responsibility of drafting an agreement between the WASD and GSA, which would most likely administer the public parking lot.
VI. New Business –The following items were addressed/discussed:
- Mr. Bibeau noted he had attended the Fort Lauderdale Riverwalk Exchange on November 7, 2007, and was elected to be a Member-at-Large. Mr. Bibeau noted the Riverwalk Exchange representatives had expressed an interest in hosting their next meeting (November 2008) in Miami.
- Mr. Bibeau noted the City of Miami is moving towards utilizing an $80 million bond item for streetscape improvements. Ms. Chase noted she had recently met with City Commissioner Joe Sanchez whom is considering utilizing a portion of that money to fund on-road greenway construction in his district, along S. River Drive (to NW 5th Street).
- Mr. Bibeau noted that greenway construction is fully funded from: Biscayne Bay to 5th Street Bridge (south shore) and Biscayne Bay to 12th Avenue, including Merrill-Stevens and the SR-836 (north shore)
- Per the directive of Dr. Martin, Mr. Bibeau agreed to schedule a meeting with Mr. Frank Castaneda, Chief of Staff for City Commissioner Angel Gonzalez, to discuss greenway construction in his district
- The GSC authorized Ms. Chase to notify Mr. Robert Ruano, City of Miami Director of Grant Administration, of a Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Recreational Trails Program (RTP) potential grant opportunity for the construction of the Lummus Landing riverwalk
The GSC confirmed their next regularly scheduled second Wednesday of the month meeting on December 12, 2007, 2 PM.
The meeting adjourned. |
November 19, 2007 | THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Greenways Subcommittee (GSC) met on Monday, November 19, 2007, 2:00 PM, United Way Conference Room A, 3250 SW 3rd Avenue. Dr. Ernie Martin chaired the meeting. The attendance sheet is enclosed
I. Discuss Future Miami River Greenway Governance – Dr. Martin asked for the status of the letters
Mr. Roger Hernstadt, Assistant City Manager, had directed city administration to write to Miami River developers regarding their proposed riverwalk dimensions, and requesting that riverwalk inconsistencies be corrected to reflect the previously city-approved dimensions on file. Ms. Ashley Chase, MRC Assistant Managing Director, replied that MRC staff has yet to receive copies of the aforementioned draft letters, which the city had agreed to provide following an October meeting held by Mr. Roger Hernstadt, city administration and MRC staff to address ongoing greenway governance issues. Dr. Martin asked for the status of Mr. Hernstadt’s request to conduct similar quarterly meetings regarding the Greenway with city and MRC staff, and Ms. Chase replied that that no quarterly meetings are currently scheduled. Per the request of Dr. Martin, Ms. Chase agreed to email Mr. Hernstadt in an effort to schedule the next quarterly meeting in January 2008. Dr. Martin noted he, Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, and Mr. Steve and Luis Garcia, owners of Garcia’s Fish Market, had recently met with Ms. Lori Billberry, City of Miami, to discuss Garcia’s current month-to-month lease agreement with the City of Miami for the property located on 236 NW North River Drive. Per the request of Dr. Martin, Ms. Chase agreed to reschedule a meeting with City of Miami Commissioner Michelle Spence-Jones to discuss the future of the Miami River Greenway.
II. Status of Miami River Greenway Historic Markers – Dr. Martin noted the Spring Garden Civic Association (SGCA) is continuing its progress in convening a party/reception to celebrate the 94th birthday of former Wimbeldon tennis champion and long-time Spring Garden resident Gardner Malloy and to raise money to create an additional Spring Garden Greenway historic marker. Dr. Martin agreed to follow-up with Spring Garden resident Eileen Broton regarding Ms. Chase’s idea to have the MRC partner with the SGCA in order to unveil the installed “Alligator Joe” historic marker during the reception, in an effort to celebrate Spring Garden’s colorful past and future.
Pet the request of the GSC, Ms. Chase distributed an email she had written to Mr. Hernstadt notifying him of the Miami River Greenway historic marker located in Sewell Park, whose left border was recently removed, leaving the porcelain panel exposed and possibly prone to future damage. In the email, Ms. Chase notes “the City of Miami adopted a resolution graciously accepting the donation of six historic markers to beautify the Miami River Greenway. Section 2 of the adopted resolution notes that, “The City Manager is further authorized to direct the appropriate City Department, depending on the location of said markers, to maintain said historic markers.”” Ms. Chase also states, that “the designer concluded that this damage was most likely the result of vandalism, which is not covered under the manufacturer’s/installer’s warrantee (which only covers negligence and poor workmanship). The designer has recommended the immediate replacement of the left border in order to secure the porcelain panel, and essentially prevent it from being stolen and/or experiencing further damage.” Ms. Chase also advises that “as owners of the historic marker, perhaps the City of Miami can remove the panel-per the designer’s suggestion- until the repair of the border/frame securing the panel in place is able to occur. Miami River Commission staff will be more than happy to store the panel in our office during this intermediate period.”
Per the request of the GSC, Ms. Chase distributed an email she had written to Ms. Stephanie Grindell, City of Miami Director of Public Works, addressing the possibility of utilizing the City of Miami-owned kiosk along South River Drive as a community bulletin board, notifying residents of upcoming neighborhood meetings and events, such as the free 12th Annual Miami Riverday festival, which will be held on Saturday, April 12, 2008.
Per the request of the GSC, Ms. Chase distributed an email she had written to Mr. Kevin Brown, Consul Tech/City of Miami Capital Improvement, and Ms. Stephanie Grindell regarding the status of a Miami River way-finding sign which the MRC reported had been damaged by graffiti several months ago. According to the email, “The sign manufacturer, Graphic Systems, recommended using lacquer thinner to lightly rub the graffiti off of the sign. Graphic Systems noted that this first phase of way finding signage did not include any protective clear coating, therefore the lacquer thinner may impact the actual text. Please note Graphic Systems did indicate that future way-finding designs will include a protective clear coating which will help in the removal of any future graffiti.” Ms. Chase noted Mr. Bibeau had contacted Mr. Pablo Canton, Director of the East Little Havana NET office, whom agreed to have the City of Miami’s “Graffiti Busters,” remove the graffiti.
III. Discuss Status of Miami River Greenway Development – Ms. Chase noted she had forwarded Mr. Ryan Wheeler, Department of State, a Miami-Dade County Historic Preservation Fund grant opportunity which could potentially provide the $750,000 match needed to rehabilitate the Miami Circle seawall. Per the directive of Dr. Martin, MRC staff agreed to arrange a meeting with Mr. Jorge Perez, president of the Related Group, to address the Related Group’s previous correspondence regarding the Miami Circle site which is adjacent to their Icon development currently under construction.
Ms. Chase distributed a letter from United States Coast Guard Captain Karl Schultz to Mr. Jere Lahey, State of Florida, stating, “The Coast Guard has received notice from the Army Corps of Engineers that they will be dredging in the vicinity of the collapsed seawall as early as August 2008…It is strongly recommended that the collapsed seawall be removed prior to the Army Corps dredging in the area.”
Ms. Chase distributed a letter from ACOE Colonel/United States Army District Commander Paul L. Grosskruger to Mr. Ryan Wheeler stating, “The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) and the U.S. Coast Guard have jointly determined that these (Miami Circle seawall) concrete slabs are a hazard to navigation, requiring removal. Under Federal Law (Title 33, U.S. Code Section 409), the owner is responsible for the marking and immediate removal of the obstruction…Failure to commence immediate removal of the obstructions and to pursue removal diligently may result in a court judgment against you, or a determination by this office of abandonment. This would subject the obstruction to removal and disposal by the Corps at your expense.” Dr. Martin asked Ms. Chase for the status of Mr. Wheeler’s response, and Ms. Chase replied that, to her knowledge, Mr. Wheeler had received the letter, but has yet to respond.
IV. Review of Miami River Greenway Riverwalk Cross Section – MRC staff distributed copies and reviewed the following:
Miami River Development Riverwalk Cross Sections
December 12, 2007 Review
Per the request of the Miami River Commission (MRC), the City of Miami Planning Department and the City of Miami Building Department are continuing to provide MRC staff with the approved plans, dimensions / cross sections for publicly accessible riverwalk sections proposed or already constructed at Miami River development projects. Per the direction of the MRC’s Greenways Subcommittee (GSC), two sets of received approved publicly accessible riverwalk cross sections will be reviewed during each monthly public noticed GSC meeting. For your consideration during the December 12, 2007 GSC meeting, please find the following summaries of the approved plans for “One Riverview Square” and “River Run South.”
“One Riverview Square” (333 South Miami Avenue, located on the Miami River’s north shore between the South Miami Avenue Bridge and the Metro-Mover “Riverwalk” Station)
“Landscape Site Plan submitted to MRC by Dorsky Hodgson & Partners for the project entitled “One Riverview Square” on 11/2/00-Landscape Site Plan “Riverwalk Details” includes the installation of benches and variations of native species. In addition, a 20-foot building setback from the riverfront was included, as well as an 8-foot “circulation zone” and 5-foot-wide sideyard setbacks.
MRC January 8, 2001 minutes, Agenda Item III “One Riverview Square”
- “Brett Bibeau reported that the City Commission denied One Riverview Square’s request for a waiver of the 50-foot setback and the architects have revised the plan, now with a 40-foot setback verses the original 20-foot setback and a clear path of 16 feet verses the original 8 feet.”
- “Mr. Parks stated that the executive committee - recommended as a matter of policy that the MRC make it very clear to all planning departments, developers, etc., that under no conditions would the MRC entertain any requests for reduction of the riverwalk area. Mr. Parks would like a motion to that matter to be presented to both the City and the County.”
- “Sallye Jude made a motion that the MRC uphold the design standards of the Riverwalk including a minimum clear path width of 16 feet with a recommendation of 22 feet wide and that building construction interact and relate to a pedestrian friendly Riverfront, such as retail shops, cafes, restaurants, etc. Phil Everingham seconded the motion. Ms. Dianne Johnson stated that the City has a requirement for a 20- foot Riverwalk for all new construction on the River, from the Bay to the 5th Street Bridge. The City standard does not discuss clear path or building requirements. The motion passed unanimously.”
Greenways Subcommittee (GSC) April 1, 2003 minutes
- “David Yoblick, Panther Management Corp., reported that the project would be open September 1, 2003…One Riverview Square joins the Greenway subcommittee in requesting Miami-Dade County to remove the existing fence beneath the “Riverwalk” Metro Mover station, in order to provide public access between the One Riverview Square and Bijan’s riverwalk sections.”
Issues for follow up:
- Although the approved renditions of the “One Riverview Square” riverwalk depicts at least five benches, no benches are on the constructed riverwalk
- Please note the cutbacks for the bench areas next to the lighting that are provided, yet no benches were installed in these provided paved areas off of the unobstructed riverwalk path
“River Run South” (2415 NW 16th Street Road, located on the Miami River south shore, west of the former “Florida Yacht Basin” a.k.a. “Brisas del Rio”)
Proposed residential development plan submitted to MRC by Moshe Cosicher for the project entitled “River Run South” on 5/6/02–Renditions include a riverwalk, yet MRC staff is unable to determine the dimensions within the area marked as “proposed new boardwalk.” 10-foot wide sideyard setbacks are included.
Economic Development & Commerce Subcommittee (EDC), April 29, 2002 minutes
- “The proposed development incorporates a private riverwalk, kiosks, and marina slips.”
MRC May 6, 2002 minutes
- Mr. Moshe Cosicher, Architect for River Run South, noted “his client would be happy to offer a commercial business, perhaps a restaurant and an easement for boats, hotels, and restaurants…In discussions with the City of Miami Planning Department, they proposed to have open spaces along the River and his client will maintain the spirit of the discussions with the Planning Department.”
- Mr. Bob Parks noted, “At this point on the River, the Greenway is not expected to be on the River’s bank and will actually be on the roadway.”
- “Janet McAliley made a motion to reject the plan as presented, as it does not comply with the concepts being set forth under the Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan. Cleve Jones seconded the motion and it passed 7 to 3.”
Additional Issues:
- Need to confirm constructed riverwalk dimensions are the same as those approved by the Miami City Commission
- No sideyard publicly accessible path to link pedestrians from South River Drive to the riverwalk
Ms. Chase distributed an email she had written to Mr. Todd Hannon, City of Miami Clerks Department, requesting the Miami City Commission meeting minutes for “River Run South” in order to verify that the constructed riverwalk dimensions are the same as those approved by the Miami City Commission, and confirm if sideyard setbacks linking pedestrians from South River Drive to the riverwalk were addressed. Ms. Chase noted she would keep Dr. Martin updated on her progress.
V. Discussion of Greenway Connectors Needed on County owned North Shore Beneath the South Miami Avenue Bridge, Metro-Rail, and WASD Pump Station and the South Shore Beneath the Metro-Rail, Metro-Mover, and SW 2 Ave Bridge – Dr. Martin asked for the status of the Miami-Dade Water & Sewer Department (WASD) allowing public pay-parking facility on the vacant WASD lot on North River Drive and SW 3 ST, and Ms. Chase replied the project has moved forward with significant progress. Ms. Chase added Mr. Rod Lovett, WASD, had reported at the December Stormwater Subcommittee meeting that a “pay box” will be installed featuring pay slots corresponding to each of the lot’s parking spots. Ms. Chase added the GSA would manage the site, which-according to Mr. Lovett-should be up-and-running by early 2008.
VI. New Business –The following items were addressed/discussed:
- Per the directive of Dr. Martin, Ms. Chase agreed to schedule a meeting with Mr. Frank Castaneda, Chief of Staff for City Commissioner Angel Gonzalez, to discuss greenway construction in his district
- Ms. Chase distributed Miami City Commission Resolution 07-01431 “accepting funds, in an amount not to exceed $37, 625, consisting of a grant award from the Florida Inland Navigation District.” Ms. Chase noted the required match is available from the Homeland Defense Bonds, Series 2, Citywide Waterfront Improvements, B-30386
- Ms. Chase distributed Miami City Commission Resolution 07-01196 “authorizing the City Manager to execute a second lease renewal…between the City of Miami and the State of Florida, Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund, for the use of approximately 39,000 square feet of state-owned submerged lands located adjacent to the city-owned upland property at 176 and 250 NW North River Drive…”
- Dr. Martin noted he had attended the unveiling of the newly restored iconic sculpture, “El Centinela del Rio,” by Cuban artist Manuel Carbonell on December 10, 2007 at the Tequesta point on Brickell Key
- Ms. Chase distributed District 2 (City of Miami Commissioner Marc Sarnoff) Discussion Item 07-01422 for the December 13, 2007 Miami City Commission meeting regarding the “utilization of well located privately owned vacant lots for use visually as “green space.”
The GSC confirmed their next regularly scheduled second Wednesday of the month meeting on January 9, 2008, 2 PM.
The meeting adjourned. |
December 12, 2007 | THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Greenways Subcommittee (GSC) met on Wednesday, December 12, 2007, 2:00 PM, United Way Conference Room A, 3250 SW 3rd Avenue. Dr. Ernie Martin chaired the meeting. The attendance sheet is enclosed.
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